Fourty two° Family reunion

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"And you want me to come?"

"Yeah? What about it?" Jimin questions, buttoning up his dress shirt.

"Jimin, I've never seen them before-" Yoongi tries to protest. He wants to be there for Jimin, but he needs to make sure that Jimin really thought about this before agreeing.

After all, it will be a special moment, (if everything went right) between Jimin and his parents. Would it really be appropriate if he was there as well?

Jimin insists, whatsoever. "I've never seen them too. Or at least I have no memory of them. It's not going to be that hard. I really need you with me."

Jimin thought he'll have to insist a little more, but to his surprise, Yoongi agrees.

Yoongi has always been there for Jimin, through thick and thin. They have been friends for quite some time now, supporting each other through the ups and downs of their lives. But this time, Jimin needs him more than ever.

Jimin is about to see his family after a long time, and he is feeling nervous and anxious. They may remember him, but he doesn't. It has been years since they last saw him, and he wanted everything to be perfect. That's when he turns to Yoongi, hoping for his support and understanding.

When Jimin asks Yoongi if he can accompany him on this trip, he never expected him to agree so readily. But that is just how Yoongi is - always there, always caring. And Jimin can't be more grateful for his friend's selflessness.

With Yoongi by his side, Jimin feels a sense of comfort and reassurance. He knew that no matter what happens, he won't be alone. Yoongi has a way of making even the most daunting situations feel manageable. And as they embark on the journey to Jimin's hometown, Jimin can't help but feel a surge of gratitude for his friend.

During the long hours on the road, Yoongi keeps Jimin's spirits high with his witty remarks and funny anecdotes. He knows how to make Jimin laugh, even when the weight of the upcoming reunion is bearing down on his shoulders. Yoongi's presence is a reminder that there was still joy and lightness in the world.

"Are you sure we're on the right track?" Yoongi asks as Jimin keeps giving him directions.

The younger shrugs at the question. "Is it a super power? I can just feel that it's the right way. It's like the location is in my head."

When they finally arrive at Jimin's hometown, nerves start to creep in again. But Yoongi's unwavering support never wavers. He stands by Jimin's side, offering him an encouraging smile and a reassuring squeeze of the shoulder.

Without Yoongi's support and willingness to accompany him, Jimin wouldn't have had the strength to face his family for the first time. Yoongi gave him the courage to confront his fears, reminding him that he was never alone.

Even if it was Jimin's idea and demand to see his parents, Yoongi didn't miss a chance to support him.

So Jimin feels a wave of confidence rush over him as he rings the door bell with Yoongi by his side.

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