Twenty eight° Answers (FB)

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"It's a minor burn. Don't worry about it. It's treated and you can go back to doing your normal activities. I assume you work with heat for you to get this awful burn?"

"Yes." Injeong laughs awkwardly. "I'm a scientist engineer. I work with quite a lot of dangerous stuff."

"Well, I advise you to be more careful. This time it wasn't anything serious, next time who knows what could happen."

"Will do." Injeong bows to the doctor as he smiles and walks away.

Injeong leaves the hospital room he was in and inspects the treated burn on his hand as he walks towards the exit.

On his way out, he hears shouting and crying coming from a room. This makes him turn around and curiosity gets the best of him because he approaches the family yelling at the doctor.

"I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Park, but you can't go in there yet. We'll do our best so your son can be at his best again. He's in a very critical condition right now and you can't go in." A nurse says with his back pressed against the door, not allowing the parents to see their poor son inside the room.

Injeong is standing there along with some other patients and doctors that are also curious to see what's happening.

"You don't understand! I can't leave him alone! H-he doesn't know how to do anything without me! He's only twelve!" What Injeong assumes is the poor boy's mother yells, tears streaming down her face.

"Honey, please give them space. I'm sure everything will be fine. They can't save him if we keep on disturbing them." Her husband comforts her.

She calms down and instead of yelling, she hugs her husband instead.

"I'm sorry for what happened. The doctor will do his best so he can get out of here healthy again. But I need you to tell me what exactly happened so I can write it down." The nurse says, getting his pen ready to write down whatever will be said to him.

"Yes, of course. He and his older sister were standing on the sidewalk and waiting for the light to turn green so they can cross. But she was on her phone and she didn't notice him walking away without her. The light was still red and the car didn't see our poor boy. When it did, it was already too late. His sister called up as soon as she got him to the hospital." The husband manages.

"Alright. And is she here right now?" The nurse asks.

"No, she was breaking down and feeling guilty so we sent her home. But... He'll be fine, right?"

"We'll see what we can do. Don't worry. Please go home and rest. You can come by tomorrow at the same time again and check on him."


"With technology nowadays, scientists and robotic engineers are working on a new project related to robots."

Injeong turns off the boring news on the television. What's the point of watching when he already knows what scientists are working on? When he himself is one of the scientists.

A lot of robotic engineers are working on more improved robots right now. But he wants to be special. He wants to make a different robot.

To be honest, he hasn't stopped thinking about the poor family from yesterday. As much as he's curious, he's worried too.

When he looks at the time and discovers it's the same time he went to the hospital the other day, he decides to go again and check on the boy and family. Maybe help them too if he can.

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