Fifteen° Geumjae

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The government is truly doing its best so Androids can't go outside Korea's borders. But it's become harder. A lot of soldiers are dying trying to prevent that from happening. Luckily, their effort is not going to waste. Not even one robot has made it outside.

"Mom, I'm home. And Jimin's sleeping over." Yoongi announces as he closes the door behind them.

"I am?" Jimin whispers.

"Do you not want to?" Yoongi whispers back, cocking an eyebrow. Jimin rolls his eyes. "I thought so." Yoongi smirks.

"Welcome home, Jimin. I'll go tell Geumjae right away to stay out of your space--" Yoongi's mom smiles, aware of the fact that Geumjae is picky when it comes to Yoongi's business.

"No, Mom. It's fine. I'm planning to introduce Jimin to him."

"Oh... Well then, take care. I'll be ready with dinner soon."

"Thanks. Who does Geumjae have over?" Yoongi asks as he takes off his shoes and jacket.

"The usual. They asked about you." Yoongi's mom answers from the kitchen.

"Okay. I'll be in Geumjae's room." Yoongi mutters a reply as he walks over to his brother's room.

"You know your brother's friends?!" Jimin asks once they were away from the kitchen.

"They've been my friends too. I may know them more than my brother himself."

Jimin chuckles and follows Yoongi.

Yoongi knocks twice before twisting the door handle and opening it.

"I'm home, Geumjae."

"Wooo! Yoon is here!" Geumjae's friends exclaim as they take turns greeting him.

"Yoongi, what is Mom making for dinner?" Geumjae asks once Yoongi is free.

"I dunno."

Jimin listens to their conversations as he awkwardly stands behind Yoongi. "Ah, yes. I want you to meet Jimin." Yoongi announces as he steps aside for Jimin.

"Hey, Yoon's friend!" One of them waves.

Jimin waves back and slightly bows to every one of them. They all greet him with warm, accepting smiles, except one.

Jimin looks at Yoongi who was already looking at that one odd male.

"Hyung, I said that's my friend, Jimin," Yoongi repeats, glaring right at his older brother.

Geumjae's eyes land on Jimin instead, looking him up and down. "Hey." He says in a monotone and with a dull face.

"H-hey?" Jimin says before looking at Yoongi, confused.

"I'll change and we'll be right back," Yoongi says before closing the door and sighing.

"That's your brother?" Jimin hesitantly asks.

"Well, just know he isn't really happy whenever I make new friends. Don't get him wrong, he really wants me to make new friends, but since the incident with Sejung, he's really picky and judgey about who I befriend. Last year, he scared off a girl I had over because we were working on some projects. We weren't really close but she was nice. Apparently, Geumjae thought she looked like a player. Even though I kept repeating that we weren't even friends and we were only working on a project." Yoongi laughs at the memory and Jimin stays silent.

Flabbergasted, even.

What if he doesn't pass Geumjae's vibe?

"Don't worry about him. He'll like you." Yoongi assures before taking off his shirt.

Jimin only sees his full arms for the first time right now. They were healed, but the sight is too much. He looks the other way and waits for Yoongi to be done.

"Ah, they trigger you? Sorry. Sometimes I forget they exist."

"No! It's not that." Jimin quickly corrects. "I just feel like no one should ever go through that. My heart hurts when I think about it. It's not that they trigger me, I just don't want to remember I wasn't there for you when everything happened." He sighs. He hears a rustle of clothes before he feels a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I started four years ago and stopped one year ago. I didn't even know you back then. Don't feel guilty. Now let's go." He smiles comfortingly.

Jimin smiles back, following him to Geumjae's room.

"Since I don't see you often, why don't we all hang out together? You wouldn't mind Jimin, right?" Yoongi asks and Geumjae's friends nod, letting him know an extra company is fine.

"Okay, everyone, this is Jimin. Jimin, this is Byeongho Hyung, Junseo Hyung, and Minjun Hyung. And of course, Geumjae hyung." Yoongi sends him a death glare as he mentions his name.

"Yoon, since we're a lot today, why don't we move to your room?" Junseo asks with fake puppy eyes.

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Ew, fine or whatever."

Junseo happily claps his hands and he rushes to Yoongi's room without waiting for anyone else.

Yoongi's room was bigger than his brother's, it was clear. And Geumjae's friends claim that it's even decorated better.

They all move to the younger's room and settle on his bed and cushions on the floor.

The room is white, with a modern vibe. It has kpop posters hanging on the four walls. There is a slightly small black piano and a brown guitar next to it.

An air conditioner above Yoongi's bed, LED lights on the ceiling and under the bed, and a well-sized tv across from the bed where they all lay.

Jimin saw his room before, but it feels so new seeing it again.

He can't wait for Yoongi to play the piano.

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