Thirty Two° Dahyun's comeback

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"If he doesn't start coming regularly soon, I'm afraid he'll have to get him expelled."

That's what the principal herself told Yoongi's mom on the phone.

Breaking the news to Yoongi through his locked door, the brunette finally decided to obey and go.

He hasn't been to school for more than a week- for as long as Jimin was gone.

He doesn't know what happened to him till now. He most likely died, is what Yoongi thinks.

The said male hasn't been feeling good since.

Today is the first day of school without Jimin. It will be very unfamiliar and empty, Yoongi just knows.

As he steps into school with hands in his jacket pockets and hood on, some students stop to whisper about him.

He doesn't even know what other rumor about him got them bitching in his business like that.

A loud sigh catches Yoongi off guard. He doesn't have to turn around to know who it is.

"Have you been sleeping?! You look horrible!"

Yoongi was aware of the fact that he had dark circles around his eyes. With a soft sigh to himself, he clutches his backpack straps as he turns to face the nightmare itself.

"Oh wow, you look even worse up close." Sejung snorts.

Yoongi knows better than to leave. He by now knows all the stuff that Sejung "forbid" him from doing whenever he was talking to him.

He can't pass by and not "say hi", he can't look down, he can't sigh or ignore them, and he most definitely can't walk away.

These are just simple things Yoongi has to comply with.

Sejung walks over with his friends and ruffles his hair, Yoongi only getting disgusted at that.

One of Sejung's friends nudges Yoongi harshly and the latter winces in pain, hearing his shoulder tick. "What's up ma' dude! Where you been?" He says in English with a cringy Korean accent.

"Answer him. In English." Sejung smiles although Yoongi knows the venom behind it.

"S-sick." Yoongi answers as told.

"Nah you fool, we know you're a nerd in English. Say a proper sentence." Sejung curses in Korean.

"I've been sick for the past few days." Yoongi musters perfectly, the three friends letting out "oooo"s and harshly patting his back.

"My friend genius!" Sejung yells in English.

Yoongi ignores the messed-up grammar and focused on the fact that Sejung in fact called them friends. "We're not friends." He mumbles to himself, gaze focused on the floor, knowing damn well he's practically asking for his own death.

Sejung scoffs. "Right, where's your little boyfriend? Where's the cute small demon you were carrying around? Jimin, was it?"

Yoongi doesn't answer. Sejung, out of all people, should be the last to talk about friends.

"Ah." Sejung tsks. "My bad, dude. He probably died too."

That's when Yoongi loses it. In a moment, he watches Sejung's head fly in the other direction.

Yoongi can taste tears, he can feel his hand sting and even bleed. But all he cares about is Sejung's swollen, red, bleeding cheek.

"The fuck?!" Sejung curses as he stumbles back up. "Did you just slap me you little--"

As his fist is about to come in contact with Yoongi's face, the bell interrupts.

"I'll fucking kill you, Yoongi. I'll kill you! You know where to meet me in break time. If you don't show up, I swear to god, Yoongi, I'll make sure you don't show up at your house ever again. Do you hear me?!"

Yoongi mentally thanks the lords for this miracle. He doesn't know where he got the courage to do what he did.

He decides to wash his hands off the crime before heading to class.

Another day without Jimin. What could go right?


Let's skip to lunchtime.

Yoongi's sitting with his first-ever school tray on a table in the very corner of the cafeteria.

He's hungry, but the sight of the school food disgusts him.

The sound of another tray slamming next to him makes him flinch. Once he sees the familiar face, he turns back to his own food.



"Why were you absent?"

"Dahyun, do you really expect me to take to you after what you did?" He asks calmly. He has no energy to be mad anymore. He has no energy to feel emotion.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." She smiles, forcing Yoongi's attention on her by turning him towards her by his shoulders. "Even Jimin gave me one. I apologized."

"When was that?" Yoongi suddenly interested, asks. Wondering where she could've seen Jimin.

"That gloomy day you were smoking under the bleachers."

"What? That was two weeks ago. And what were you doing there?" He snaps.

"Oh don't worry. I didn't watch further than when you were both hugging. I was too busy calling the police and telling them about android Jimin."

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