Fourty Six° Violence and picking sides ⚠️

23 3 1

Tw⚠️ (This chapter may contain sensitive topics. Please be aware and skip when uncomfortable.)

Everything was okay until Yoongi heard noise that woke him up. Since there was no place for him to sleep, he was sleeping on the couch. He looks at his phone and the time reads 1:56 am.

He wonders what woke him up, but a loud laugh answers his question. Jihyun's room was right next to the living room. He can hear Jihyun talking to someone.

He is about to knock and ask Jihyun to be more quite but the next thing that leaves Jihyun's mouth leaves him in shock.

"Yeah, man. It's seriously fucked up. I'm probably gonna call the police. I mean, how can mom and dad trust a robot? That robot bitch doesn't deserve them."

Yoongi's hands tighten into fists, his knuckles turning white as anger courses through his veins. He kicks the door open, startling Jihyun, making him stumble backwards, phone falling into the ground.

"You think Jimin is dangerous, huh?" Yoongi sneers, his voice dripping with venom. "You have no idea what he's been through. He's not dangerous."

Jihyun raises and eyebrow, an arrogant feeling rushing over him. He inspects Yoongi who is furiously standing Infront if him.

He laughs softly as he spots the marks on Yoongi's arms. "Looks like he isn't the only one that didn't have a family. Did you cut yourself because of your pathetic family issues?" He pouts sarcastically.

Yoongi ignores the sting he feels in his heart and decides to go back in topic, knowing that if he shows any sign of weakness he'll achieve what Jihyun wants.

"He's not just a robot, he's family!"

Jihyun laughs, a cold, cruel sound that sets Yoongi's blood on fire. "Family? Jimin is a ticking time bomb. He should be locked up before he hurts someone! He's a liability, and I won't let him destroy our lives."

That is the last straw. Yoongi launches himself across the room, his fists connecting with Jihyun's jaw with a sickening thud. The room descends into chaos, with furniture crashing and bodies colliding. Yoongi's rage fuels every blow, his fists becoming a blur as he rains down a fury of punches.

But just as Yoongi is gaining the upper hand, a faint noise catches his attention. His heart sinks as he hears the soft whirring and clicking of Jimin coming online. Panic courses through Yoongi's veins as he desperately tried to stop the escalating violence.

"Stop! Jimin's awake!" Yoongi shouts, hoping his words will penetrate the chaos.

"You throw good punches for someone who likes using sharp things." Jihyun whispers one last time, refusing to lose this fight.

The room falls silent as everyone turns towards the awakening robot. Jimin's eyes flicker with a mix of confusion and concern as he registers the sight before him. Broken furniture and bloodied faces tell a tale of anger and pain.

"Yoongi, Jihyun, what's going on?" Jimin's voice cuts through the tense silence. "Why are you fighting?"

Yoongi's fists loosens, his breathing ragged as he meets Jimin's gaze. He quickly moves away from Jihyun, bloodied and bruised, but victorious.

Yoongi hesitates. He wants to tell Jimin, but he doesn't want to ruin his relationship with his brother. But as the venomous words Jihyun spoke play in his head as a broken record, he decides to tell Jimin before he seriously hurts Jihyun himself.

"I heard Jihyun talking bad about you. He said you're dangerous, that we should turn you in," Yoongi explains, his voice hoarse from the fight.

Jimin's expression softens, his robotic features forming a pained expression. "I understand why you would think Jihyun would say that, but I'm not a threat to anyone. I'm here to protect all of you, not cause harm. I'm sure Jihyun won't assume such things."

Yoongi's jaw hangs low as the words leave Jimin's mouth. He lets out a humourless laugh. "You don't believe me?"

Jimin's silence answers his questions. Yoongi turns to look at Jihyun who is smirking as he wiped blood off his mouth.

"Jihyun won't say that about me. Let's put this to an end before Mom and Dad wake up. Jihyun, did you say that?"

"No, hyung."

Yoongi almost scoffs at the obviously fake innocent tone that comes out of Jihyun's mouth.

"See, Yoongi hyung? Can you please excuse me while I talk to my brother?" Jimin doesn't give Yoongi a chance to answer as he already grabs Jihyun's hand and drags him out of the room, locking Yoongi inside on his way out.

Jihyun pulls his hand away from Jimin's strong metallic grasp, a sudden feeling of fear rushing over him.

"I can't believe I woke up because an insecure bitch like you was making a lot of noise."

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