Fourty three° Foreign feelings

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The sound of a doorbell echoes through the house.

Jimin, a humanoid robot with a nervous expression, stands in front of the door, his metallic hands trembling slightly. He takes a deep breath before reaching out to press the doorbell.

The door creaks open, revealing Jimin's Mother, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes and a weary smile. She gasps, her eyes welling up with tears.

Jimin didn't think she'll instantly recognize him. He can't blame his parents for what they did years ago, it was the only way to save him. But he can't help but feel a small part of him hurting because of the fact they let him go so easily.

"Jimin... is that really you? That's you, r-right?" Jimin's Mom has a hushed tone as she's in disbelief.

"Yes, M-mom." Jimin nervously answer, the word completely foreign to him. That's what humans call their Mom, right?

Jimin's Father, a tall man with graying hair, appears behind his mother, his face etched with lines of surprise and overwhelming emotion.

He clutches his heart through his shirt. "H-how... Son, we... we never thought we'd see you again."

Son... It still feels completely new to Jimin. He has no memory of being called that before, so it's a new feeling that he has mixed feeling about.

Jimin steps hesitantly inside the unfamiliar living room, his eyes scanning the room filled with memories long lost. He notices a family portrait on the wall, but the people in the photograph feel like strangers to him.

On one of the picture frames, his laughing parents stand on each side of him, as the younger Jimin makes a pouty face.

Another picture looks more recent. It's the same pose, expect his parents are older, and their smiles aren't as natural as the first one. It's forced. And instead of a pouty ten-year-old Jimin, there's another teenager who Jimin doesn't recognize, just like he doesn't recognize his parents.

"I... I don't remember how you both look. I'm sorry." Jimin whispers.

His mother sobs softly. "It's not your fault, Jimin. You were only a child when we had to let you go. We did it because we thought it was the only way to save you."

"You were so sick, Jimin. The scientist claimed he could fix you, that he could make you healthy again. We couldn't bear to see you suffering." His father adds.

"I understand, Father. But... I can't help feeling a mix of excitement and fear. What if I'm not who you expected? What if I disappoint you?" He asks with teary eyes.

His mother steps forward, gently taking Jimin's hand. "Oh, Jimin, you've always been our precious son. Our love for you never wavered, even during all those years apart. It doesn't matter what you look like or who you've become. You're still our Jimin."

Jimin feels warmness.

His father nods. "Absolutely. We're incredibly proud of you, my boy. You've grown into a remarkable individual, overcoming countless challenges. Seeing you standing here today is a miracle in itself."

Jimin's eyes well up with tears as his parents envelop him in a warm, loving embrace. It's a reunion filled with a flood of emotions – joy, relief, and a sense of belonging.

Jimin whispers, "Thank you, both. I never thought I'd have this moment, to be with my parents again. I never felt this feeling before."

" We missed you too, Jimin. And we're here now, together, starting anew." His mom says with teary eyes.

They hold each other tightly, cherishing the long-awaited reunion. In this moment, the love between a robot and his human parents transcends any physical boundaries, proving that family goes beyond blood and memory.

Yoongi stands unnoticed at the door, a proud smile creeping up his face.

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