Nine° Accusations

36 2 4

"I know why."

Is it that obvious?

"I know your secret Yoongi. I've been watching you from afar for a while. And now that I saw your house, I know my accusations are true. I know much more about you now."

Yoongi gulps. "I'm not scared. You don't know shit." He isn't completely sure about that. But he figures maybe if he sounds intimidating enough he'll scare Dahyun and she won't say anything. He doesn't want anyone to know.

Especially Jimin.

But he knows Jimin will find out sooner or later.

Still, maybe if he acts surprised about what Dahyun has to say, she'll be convinced it isn't true.

"You're an Android."

"What?!" Yoongi and Jimin say in union.

Jimin snaps his head towards Yoongi as he slightly retreats away from him.

"Hold up, what? What are you saying?" Yoongi scoffs.

"Drop it, Yoongi. I know your secret. I know you're a robot. You don't have to hide it anymore."

Yoongi looks at Jimin with a mocking smile on his face, but that smile drops when he sees the fear in Jimin's wide eyes.

"Wait, Jimin, you don't believe that, do you?" He chuckled humorlessly.

Jimin swallows and looks at Dahyun who wore her stupid smirk that Yoongi wanted to wipe off her face so badly.

"How... How do you know?" Jimin asks.

"Do I really need to explain? First, I've never seen him eat. Did you forget that robots don't need food? Even right now, his mom was about to say he's a robot. But you shut her up. Are you holding them hostage, Yoongi? Is she even your mom? You two don't look alike at all. And why aren't you in any family pictures? Exactly. Because you don't belong in this poor family. You plan to kill them, don't you?" Dahyun argues, her arms folding across her chest.

"What?! Dahyun--" Yoongi trails off.

He feels a knife go through his heart as the words hurt badly.

"You don't belong in this poor family." 

She's right.

"No! You listen! This is the end, okay?! Us humans aren't gonna fear you anymore! I will change the standards! I'm not afraid of you!" She yells, approaching Yoongi while he tries to back up into the wall.


"You will see how murderers like you deserve nothing but death! I will kick you to where you've come from---"

"Dahyun, stop!" Jimin finally shouts when he sees Yoongi's eyes gloss with tears.

"Stop it, Dahyun!"

"What? Don't you believe me? After all this evidence?"

"I didn't say that. But if he is a robot, he would've killed us already! Look at him! He hasn't done anything!" Jimin points at the poor boy.

Yoongi hides his face between his hands as he sobs louder.

Jimin hesitates before approaching him. He sits next to him and his shaky hands slowly start to rub circles on his back.

Dahyun scoffs, standing up for herself. "Jimin, get away from him! I know I'm right! I don't care if he hasn't hurt anyone! He's planning something! No one should go anywhere near him."

And that's when Yoongi has it. His heart feels like it's been stabbed. Nothing hurt more than someone telling him the thing he already knows.

"No one should go anywhere near him!"

No one goes near me anyway.

He lifts his head up from his hands, looking straight at Dahyun. "You're right. No one ever went near me. I'd always been alone until Jimin came. But with all the emotions I feel right now, I can assure you I'm a human." He says as he tastes the tears in his mouth.

"Please get out."

"But he will kill you, Jimin!"

"I don't mind it. Just get out."


"Dahyun! He won't, okay? And even if he did, I won't mind it. Because I've had the best last days with him. Now please get out. And never ever talk to me again." Jimin warns.

Dahyun stomps her way out of the room and then the house. And Yoongi feels a weight off his shoulders. He sighed loudly as the pain in his heart slowly dies down.

He looks at Jimin. Maybe not all of them are coldhearted. For once, someone actually wants to stay by Yoongi's side. Jimin is an angel, and Yoongi could feel his heart start to beat as Jimin smiles at him softly and wipes his tears.

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