Rose Garden

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~Your voice is like the soft hum of violins, a lovely performance I must say. I wish I could be surrounded by your symphony. To be the conductor not to control your song but to see your show every time.~


Y/n's Pov-

I stretch in my bed lazily. I woke up again. Hm. Disappointing.

My feet hit the floor as a wave of the cold morning air hits my face. The sunshine shimmers in the air and the birds chirp merrily. Everything would seem fine if it weren't the girl with eye bags and ratty hair. Well, it's not like I'll wake up like a Disney princess. I grunt standing up from my bed with minimal effort.

Do I want to get up? Is it worth it? Fuck no. I flop back down on the bed and roll right back into the blanket. The white comforter gives me a warmth that just aids my tiredness. Only proven by a yawn escaping my lips.

Today is my day off, so like. No doing anything.

I'm tired. When am I not? Last night I had to cover someone's shift. And of course, I said yes because overtime equals more pay. More pay equals more stuff I can use the money on. Like food and bills and shit.

As I lie in my bed I'm fully aware of the sparsely furnished apartment. The fridge holds a pack of water and maybe some bread, peanut butter and some condiments, and if my memory holds true some pizza frozen meals.

Yeah, I'm really living the life. You can tell by how much I rely on my paycheck and am scraping by on tips. Just a simple waiter at some run-down diner, all I can manage and the only place that's willing to hire me.

At this point, life just felt like a clock rewinding over and over again. Wake up at six. Go work at the diner. Come home. Shower, and make a mediocre dinner. Then sleep. This cycle just repeats and repeats and it's getting tiring. But as mother always said, bills must be paid.

Life's. Well. It could be better. I honestly shouldn't be complaining. I have a roof over my head and sorta have food to eat and that's better than some have it. Ok, no self-pity. Let's be grateful y/n.

It could be worse. It could be so much worse. It could be like before.

I could be living under that horrid house and with their stupid rules. But I'm not, I'm fine. I don't live with my parents anymore. I'm twenty. That was practically years ago. It was only one year ago dummy, quit lying to yourself. Let me. It's the only way I've gotten this far.

Lying to myself is the reason I still work. I just need to believe things will be ok. Cause they are ok...right?

I blink a few times before slowly sitting up on the bed. The springs complain and adjust to my weight as I shuffle to grab the book on my nightstand. It sits there in the light along with bills I have yet to pay. Once my fingers touch the lightly dusted cover they wrap around it and pull it to me.

'Everything Greek Mythology' was gracefully printed on the cover in golden ink.  The subject fascinated you, you weren't a genius in it but it's something you enjoy to learn about.

It was an interest you kept to yourself.'s not like you have anyone to tell.

Suddenly the birds stopped chirping and the apartment you lived in became eerily quiet as you realized just how alone you were.

Screw people. Who needs them? I don't. I huff. Who am I even trying to convince? Yourself idiot. You're so lonely you're having conversations with yourself. Really? Yes really.

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