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~I hate you and your sappy love songs. I hate how you smile whenever you look at me shining with the curve of your lips. Nothing remains to be special about my being, so I don't see why you'd gaze at me with such intensity. Use your tricks and dazzling grins with others. I'm not worthy of something so perfect, so please, don't let me suffer knowing your too much for me. Don't pity me and dangle such a thing as your love in my face.~


Apollo's pov:

"Y/n!" I practically ran up to her as I embraced her in my arms, pulling her out of the tent and propping her on her feet. Her face is blank as it seems she still hasn't processed that we're both here.

I laugh, my hand scuffing up her hair. God's I've missed her. I love how she feels in my arms, how her body brings warmth to mine.

"What the fuck guys?!" She whispers yet yells with a tint of annoyance.

My sister clears her throat, "Well. Y/n, we figured we'd come to retrieve you."

"Retrieve me from what!" Her teeth are barred as she pushes me off of her. I pout my lip, did I do something wrong?

"From this wretched place of course! It's no place for a lady such as yourself." My voice is whiny as I speak and is in a higher pitch than usual.

"I'm perfectly fine here!" Her words wound me more than I expected or would care to admit.

Did she not miss or think of me? All I could think about was her on the day she was absent from me. I wanted to follow Hera's rules but when Artemis brought the opportunity to me I couldn't resist the temptation. Y/n, I've barely gotten to know you and I'm wondering what I did before you. What filled my mind before I had imagined you and your laugh flashing before my eyes? All I know is now that I have met you, I can't let you go again.

"Nonsense. You are around smelly men and sleeping on the ground! Come with us, wouldn't you rather sleep on a comfortable bed? Have enough food till you're bursting?"

I nod my head as I stand beside Artemis. "Yes, we can provide so much better for you than they can."

She sighs, crossing her arms over her chest as she eyes us suspiciously. "Why did you come here anyways offering me that?" She doesn't judge or mock us, unsteady she asks with genuine curiosity. This brings a smile back to my lips. Yup, I missed her.

I look to my sister, seeing she has no answer from her agape mouth I speak up. "Cause we missed you of course." Mischievous intent is gone from my voice as I speak with only sincerity.

Despite me wanting to be serious for once she seems to not believe me. Her words spit in my face she's unconvinced, "Why the hell would you miss me? Apollo, I knew you for like two hours, and I spoke with Artemis no more than fifteen minutes."

"That does not change the fact that we miss you." My sister finally spoke up, she had a yearning in her eyes that brought a smirk to my face. It seems she's fallen into the rabbit hole much like myself.

"Yes we do, I couldn't stop thinking about you." No use beating around the bush. I only wish to be honest with the girl.

When we first met I was so confused on why I felt so drawn to her, why I wanted to cling and talk to her till my jaw fell off and hung by the hinges. Though in the time I've had to myself, I thought and pondered in a way I haven't ever before. I could put things together and soon it all fell together fitting perfectly. I like you. Y/n, I like you in a way I've never liked another.

Thought it was a different kind than the one I feel for my sister. I find myself wanting to tangle my fingers in your hair, touch and trace your features. Hold your hand in my own and never let you go. Till we're molded together and I can only function with you by my side. Y/n, for you I feel something brand new, a lust and a longing. I believe, I love you.

I made up my mind when Artemis told me she planned to bring y/n back to Olympus. I wanted the girl to be at my side, and to do that I needed to go along with this plan. I could not let you slip through my fingers, not when you're so precious.

"...that's. I don't even know what to say. How could you miss me? I'm not missing worthy, especially for a god." She puts emphasis on the title 'god.'

"Since when has us being a god ever meant anything to you?"

This brings a snort to the girl. I smile again, this time broader and with more confidence. "You're right. It means jack-shit to me. But still, I'm not worth missing."

"That's where your wrong. Y/n, we believe you have potential." The opening. This is what will make her come with us. I don't have time to nor will I be patient, I'll say what I came to say now. If it means she will come with us I can't wait another moment.


"Yes, potential to become a god," Artemis uttered these words, she spoke them swiftly as if they burned her tongue.

This was the plan, how we'd lure her in. Present the idea to her, a mortal. Giving her the chance to become something more than something so fragile, who in their right mind would pass up the chance at being a god? While I have faith y/n is a good person mortals usually tend to be, greedy.

It doesn't matter if you're a king or a peasant, being a god is an attractive decision that's not something you can pass up. And if she were to become immortal it meant we could be together for eternity.

"Fuck no. Who do you think I am?!" Her eyes are wide as she looks baffled. This wipes the smile clean off my face. So much for that. I can even sense Artemis tensing up beside me. "What did you guys think I'd jump at the offer?!"

"Yeah, sorta." My lips twitch. This girl is something. I should have guessed she'd do the unpredictable. She always has a way of swerving what I expect. Though it just makes her all the more interesting and special I would say.

The girl huffs and runs her fingers through her hair unamused, "Well there's nothing you can offer me. Sorry to disappoint guys but I'm happy here. I'm not leaving and that's finale. I mean, you guys can visit right?"

My sister doesn't look like she's ready to give up as her back still stands straight and her chin is up.

Yes, I do not wish to give up either. Not yet. Damn it all. What is it that can get the girl to come with us, after all, I do not plan to leave without her. What is it that she wants? Think Apollo think..

I rack my head, all her words and everything that has passed her lips.

"Y/n, please don't turn us down." Artemis pleads but my brows are still furrowed in thought. Her wants, what does she want?

My eyes shoot open upon realization.


"Huh?" The two women speak in unison and look at me as if I've sprouted two heads.

"Y/n, you want to go home right? We can take you there!" My eyes sparkled as I looked at the girl eager for her reaction to my proposal. "Come now, it was everything you spoke of when we were in Olympus."

Something flashes across her features. Uncertainty, confusion, then realization. "You can do that..? Why the hell didn't you say something sooner!...okay, maybe that's the one thing I do want."

I laugh, Artemis doesn't as her face remains serious.

"Yes, with the help of Chronos,"  I speak with confidence and a hint of desperation.

"Hold on. This is too good to be true, there is a catch isn't there?" As sharp as ever I see. I expect nothing less from the girl I'd give my heart to.

"Yes, there will be a price to pay. You will have to stay with us for one-no two months. Let us pamper and show you how someone with all the riches may live. Then if you still decide you'd rather go to your home, we'll send you back without a hair on your head harmed." I'm sure we can show her a good time and convince her to stay. Who'd ever want to go back to the low life when they got a taste of how refined life could be?

Finally, Artemis breaks her stoic act and relaxes her shoulders seeing the girl's reaction to the deal. Her face holds promise as she seems to now weight coming with us.

I take a step closer to the girl and hold out my hand. "Tell me y/n, do we have a deal?"

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