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~Did those sweet things we whisper mean nothing to you? Were my murmurs and dancing thoughts never pretty enough for you? Well I thought yours were charming, I'm sorry you never felt the same as mine. Perhaps it's because you are a goddess. Something I will never be worthy of. Forgive me, I'm sorry I couldn't be enough.~

Y/n's pov:


I hate my voice and the groveling words that come with them. Why must I sound so weak? Why am I weak? I like to talk like I don't have a fear in the world, trained to ignore every insult as well as compliments. All of it leaves me as soon as it comes. Good grief, this isn't going to end well.

"Why the hell are you pleading!" His laugh is roaring and makes my aching head pound more obnoxiously.

The plea wasn't for him, nor was it for me. It was for the little girl I was once, or maybe I remain to be, she's just buried deep inside me. It went out to her, and to all the people that harmed her, made her as tattered and as ripped as a paper being submerged in water. Please. Save her. She's drowning.

I grit my teeth, so much for exiting. I'm an idiot, I can't even feel sorry for myself because I know it's my fault. It always is. So whatever happened does and I can't do a fucking thing about it.

I thought I changed, it was stupid thinking I'd gotten stronger. I'm still the same weak girl who can't stick up for herself.

His hand rises and a dagger stands in his firm grasp. It feels so fast, how it glints off of the dying sun reflects it making the fast-moving weapon look like a blur of light. I shut my eyes tight, out of instinct rather than wanting.

A loud thud that shook the floor happened in front of my figure as I shook like a leaf.

"God damn it y/n!" I hear a strangled voice, I slowly open my eyes and I'm met with gray ones. I laugh, oh god. This couldn't be further from funny. Yet I laugh anyway. What am I thinking? Nothing but pure relief and gratitude.

"Hey! Are you alright?!" His gaze turns more concerned than before. I avoid looking into his eyes as I laugh, my knees bleed from the fall and my ankles throbbed from the exertion, but I laugh.

Achilles stands in the background, his body over the man's despite the one on the floor being double his size. It's like it was nothing to him to take down that brute force meat head. A spear rests in his grasp, the tip dripping red. I notice how the man on the floor's chest isn't heaving or moving any longer.

Achilles's voice is cutthroat and holds none of the amusement I portray, "are you stupid?"

All laughter drains from my tongue and what smile I conjured up has faded completely. "What..?"

"You heard me damn it!"

"Achilles," Patroclus warned, his voice thick with something I couldn't name. He offered me a hand to get off the floor as he looked between the two of us. I took it and stood, the previously pure white robes I wore now ruined and muddied.

Achilles ignored his words and took a step closer to me. His eyebrows were furrowed and a deep frown lined his lips. "Don't act like you don't know just as well as I do Patroclus."

The man's eyes are sad as he looks at me once again, "he's not wrong, y/n. We're not mad or anything. Just confused."

I croaked out with a broken voice, "Confused about what."

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