Pool of Wine

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~Flying with the butterflies I watch as your blue dress spins. Pride wells in my chest, clenching and playing with my heartstrings. With the knowledge that I can call you mine, I know I'm the luckiest man alive. No other will smile like you, no other will suffice to lie beside me in bed. Despite you being mine, I get the feeling you may not be content. Don't let me shackle you down my love. Because I love you so I wouldn't mind if you went. Take flight, be free, I don't want to hold such a beauty captive.~


Dionysus's Pov:

My hands rested at my sides, everything about me slack, the booze could also be behind that reasoning. I continued walking onward, and even if I did drink, I sobered up fast seeing the girl's actions. Making it safe to say I was somewhere in between. Proved by my steady steps.

I never looked back to see her, id bear witness to a cherry if did.

I couldn't gloat nor could I be proud of the way I acted towards that servant girl I can't bother to know the name of. It wasn't right, not by any standards. Although I did find it to be amusing in the slightest.

I know I'm in the right for catching her in serving the lethal dish. That was a given. However, before I stepped foot in that room I knew that servant in particular was hungry for the god's attention. It didn't matter who, as long as they held power she would be greedy with what she could get ahold of.

Hence my toying with her, teasing. Don't mistake it for how I would tease y/n. The two are in no way connected because of how I treat them. I never intend for it to be that way as that servant girl frankly disgusts me. She shamelessly flirts and swings her hips when in all of reality she looks like a buffoon rather than a tempest.  Lust could've been painted in her eyes with how obvious she made it.

Hate to be a dick, but she deserved it. The leading on. At least in my mind, she did in some way. Possibly not completely because these humans tend to change quite a bit. Maybe deep, deep, very deep down there is some pleasant flower growing inside her. Yet from what I've seen she's nothing but a viel person that deserved to be knocked down a peg.

So you know what, I don't care if that paints me as a dick. She deserved that and more.

Walking through Olympus's halls felt a bit more bright than it had been previously. Normally I felt dull, empty inside as I walked through the sea of endless marble. Though I didn't this time. The reasoning behind this was because of who I was strolling to. My princess.

To be in her presence, be beside her once more is a blessing I'm ready to bear.

Of course, there is a lightness in my step because of this.

Despite the darkness of the night dripping shadows onto the floor; I can't help but see things are more pleasant. Suddenly the wind is welcoming, the cool breeze sweeping through my hair. The stars illuminating the sky felt to be more enhanced. Everything felt aligned, perfect.

Well, other than the fact that y/n was almost poisoned things couldn't be better.

It's odd to be in such good spirits. The feeling is not very much like me. On a normal evening, I'm running away with a servant, bottle of wine in hand ready to jump into ecstasy. But now all those intimate moments felt pointless, they held no significance any longer. As I reminisce in those lustful moments I've shared with women, the ones driven by drunkenness. It felt meaningless. However, with her, I don't need my lips to touch a wine glass. I do not need to indulge in a dizzy head when I want to see so clearly with her. The other women were pointless as they'll never compare. Not with her smile, never with her laugh and not for a second with her spirit. I now would much rather spend my time with that certain girl.

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