An Arrogant Flirt

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~I almost cry when you say you're not beautiful, knowing full well that I would give my very soul just so you could see you for what I see. I wish you saw the same as I do. Darling, you're perfectly imperfect, and that in and of itself is enough to make you shine.~


Hermes pov:

I glare at Apollo. In truth, I have no clue what Zeus wanted. And frankly, that's not my concern. Once Apollo leaves I'll be alone with this dashing lady and Apollo won't be here to brood in her corner.

Hm. Might I say she's alluring? Well, this much is clear to see. "What's your name darling?" But what's better than her perfect body, is her words and sharp tongue. Oh, do I love a challenge? Never believed I'd receive one from a mere mortal.

"Y/n." Her tone is harsh, this only stirs laughter from me. Feisty, I like it.

"A lovely name." I take notice of Apollo's agitation. Though this only makes the interaction all the more fun. Why he grows annoyed is unclear to me. Maybe he sees this human as his property.

How wrong you are my friend. This is a free game, one I doubt you will come on top of. At least not with me playing.

"You're creepy, it's just a name ya know." I enjoy our banter. She's very witty and doesn't hold back. It's refreshing to meet someone who doesn't mind my status as a god.

"Can't you just take a compliment?"

Her mouth opens and shuts, then opens again till it clamps shut once more. I snicker. Apollos's eyebrows furrow and the creases in his face somehow became deeper.

"Apollo, don't you have someone where to be?" I try to speak with a straight face but a grin ends up on it regardless.

"Ooo, he's in trouble." His whole expression changes when he turns to her. Could he be any more obvious with his emotions? Never have I seen the man let his guard drop more quickly than it does because of her. Peculiar. And he so casually tried to divide us moments ago.

It was not subtle in the slightest. This girl seems to make him as clumsy as a newborn horse.

"No, I'm not. But, I may have to leave you." He bites his lip, he utters the words hesitantly as if they are poison. Good, you'll be off now and I shall have precious y/n to myself. All in good fun, I win this round Apollo.

A deep frown lines his features. I look away from the bumbling fool and adjust my gaze onto the girl.

A small and light frown creases her lips. At least she's trying to hide it. "Can't I like, go with you or something?" My mouth falls open slightly at her words.

"No." The single word slides off my lips like a sheet of ice.

Both their heads snap to me with a questioning gaze. "What? Ever stop to think I'd just like to be alone with the lovely lady?"

Apollo's lip curls up in disgust. As if you haven't thought of her in a less-than-pure way.

The man with golden hair sneers, "Why would I let you be alone with y/n?"

"Let's face it Apollo I can entertain her far better than you."

"You didn't know she existed till minutes ago!"

"And neither did you Apollo." The girl sighs and leans against the tree. We both turn to her. "Stop talking about me like I'm not in the room jackass. That goes to both of you."

I nod my head, a sly smile on my face. "Whatever you say, darling."

"Of course, y/n. But be honest. Would you rather come with me, or stay here with me," he turns to me his eyes roaming my figure with a look of distaste, "him..."

"Don't listen to the buffoon. We can get more of that food you crave. Do you partake in sweets?"

The girl's face lights up. Bingo. What a simple mortal, so easy to get through just from her stomach. She could fall so early or be tricked just with this simple weakness. All just a moment of pleasure on the taste buds. It's rather...cute.

Apollo, I can see why you would become mush around her.

"How about we all just go together if you guys can't make up your mind?"

I take her hand in my own and kiss her knuckles whilst winking at her, "Whatever you wish gorgeous."

Apollo scoffs, "come now." He takes Y/n's hand away from me and holds it in his own, pulling her along as he walks a few good paces away from me.

She tries to pull away from his grasp, "What did I tell you!? Dude chill I'm not some Twix you get to split." Her words seem amusing, but what in God's green earth is a Twix? 

He lets go of her hand, a look of exasperation on his face. "I'm sorry it's just-" his eyes don't look to hers as he thinks, contemplating what he should say.

Her hands go to her hips as she raises a brow at him, "just what?"

He leans closer to the girl, their faces inches apart. His fingers brushed along her cheeks as he tucked hair behind her ear. His eyes focused on hers but out of focus at the same time as they seemed to expand.

I take a step forward without thinking. I...I don't like it. I don't like how close he is to her...I'm still here you guys.

He whispers something in her ear, I don't hear the words he murmurs but I do hear my breathing pick up. My ears flush red as I advance further. "Y-you guy, Zeus is waiting. We must leave, we kept him waiting long enough."

I cringe at my stuttering. I don't stutter. I must be sick.

I watch as her face gains a slight coat of pink. No. We'll have none of that.

My feet move, I grab hold of her hand and walk toward the doors. "If you wish to go with Apollo to see Zeus then we must leave now. You wouldn't want to anger him, now would you?" I smirk and look back at her, continuing to walk.

I try to put on a facade, a bemused face. Though deep down I can feel the knots in my stomach and the throbbing of my heart.

She shakes her head slightly, "guess not." Her reply was less confident than the ones she would give me before.

No. Don't think of Apollo like that. Have your eyes on me. Don't let that fool get to you. Watch me, pay attention to me, only see me.

Apollo's feet follow behind my fast ones. Stupid y/n, stupid feet and hands, and other body parts I don't wish to mention. No, I refuse to think such a thing.

Not for some mortal I've just laid eyes on. I'm-I'm not thinking with my heart. I'm being logical.

And the logical side of me says y/n is fun to hang out with. She's funny and witty, and her eyes sparkle in the sunlight. The sun bouncing off of them only enhances their beauty. The way her lips sit in a perfect bow along her glass-sculpted face. Like the finest artist took a paintbrush and-

No, like I said, not with my heart...

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