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~You don't know how to smile, not a clue on how to laugh when happiness is amass in your heart. I truly feel sorry for you, joy will never reach your eyes and your chest will never swell for another. All I wished for was your contentment, to know that you left behind all sorrowful memories. I fear you'll never be happy, not when you don't know how to bask in the light.~


Icarus's Pov:

The ice-cold of the water pierced my flesh. The cold bit of it became sweltering as my fingertips began to turn blue. With the plummet, we were deep but still able to gaze upon light.

The waves were unusually calm. Making her swim to the surface easier. Though it wasn't without difficulty as I'm sure I wasn't light. If it weren't for the freezing water I'm sure I'd be burning red. Awful, this is just plain awful. And I feel guilty on top of it all. She would have survived on her own without fault if it weren't for my incompetence.

Just how did we survive? I didn't think crashing into the ocean from our height would give us much chance of survival. It doesn't make sense, not a lot of things in this world do. And when things don't make sense and accord to logic, gods are at play.

I have questions for the girl. Many at that.

However right now...

I think I may be passing out.

Black dots scattered my vision, the burn of salty water began to fry my eyes. Reluctantly they close, too heavy to open again. I focus on what I can feel.

Her hand, her warm skin gracing mine.

Air, I need to breathe. Am I going to die? Die before this girl can bring me to safety?

I gasped, my lips parted instantly as my head broke the surface. My chest rose and fell heavily as my eyes adjusted to the light. A heartbeat pounded in my ears as I located the girl beside me. She floated on the ocean blue, hair sticking to her forehead. Her lips were pale while she coughed up water. I was no different.

A smile spread across her lips, breath still being caught. The scenery was stunning, I'd take time to memorize it if it weren't for the freezing water. But what made the view all the more delightful was the girl in it, her hair illuminated in the mid-day sun.

"That...that just happened." Her grin grew wider with every letter, not even trying to hide it from her tone. I took her for a no-nonsense type of person, the mischief in her eyes says otherwise.

"Yes. It did." My feet kicked below the water as I stayed afloat. This wasn't without her hand in mine dragging me along though. She had begun swimming to the nearest beach, me on her trail.

"I'm-" kick, "y/n." Kick, "you are?" She said the sentence in short puffs of breath. This girl could be a king's jester.

"Lovely to meet you y/n, I'm Icarus." I try to wear a smile as I speak but the salt water splashing into my mouth only brings me a sour expression. Seeming to understand this she keeps her lips sealed as we make it to shore.

As soon as I'm on sand I begin to cough.

I was holding back before, wanting to look brave or at least like a proper man in front of her. But the burning in my chest and throat couldn't be held in any longer. I begin to cough as my face burns red.

Wow, great going Icarus. It's not my fault. Yeah it is, you're being saved by a girl. This is pathetic. Hey, what's so wrong about being saved by a maiden? The only thing good about it this time is that she's beautiful.

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