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~The kitchen timer ticks, dessert bakes in the oven and wafts through the air. The light is a warm orange, music hums through the air. A man stands, his hand on the girl's waist. She holds his shoulders as their steps accord to the rhythm. They both smile out of pure happiness, dancing to the music without a care. The moonlight shone in from the window, the stars basking in the scene. How lucky they were, to be dancing in ecstasy.


Y/n's Pov:

His words were sweet as they drifted through the air. The name 'darling' has begun to grow on me.

I like the way it sounds on his voice. How it doesn't sound like just a guy calling out to a girl to hit on her. Instead, it comes from a place of heart, meaning. It's that reason alone that I begin to like it.

I clear my throat, "Icarus. Where did you come from?"

His head turns to me, watching with wary eyes as he begins to explain, "Crete." There was a bitterness in his voice mentioning the location.

I don't blame him. He and his dad were imprisoned there after all.

I hum, "Okay. Me and Apollo will take you there."

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to waste your time." The bashful look on his face reminds me of a schoolboy.

I smile, "I'm sure. Where exactly is Crete from here?"

He chewed the inside of his cheek as his posture deflated. "I believe that's the issue...I have no clue where we are at the moment."

This is going to be a long trip, won't it? My sense of direction is ass if I don't know where I am. So if he doesn't know, and I don't know, we'll be walking aimlessly if we try and make it to Crete.

I look to Apollo. "Apollo, you can teleport, right? Can't you take us to Crete?"

Apollo grins at this, eyebrows rising slightly.


Nausea is the first to hit as my feet ground themselves. My head spins and quite frankly I wouldn't mind rolling over to die.

Black dots scattered through my vision till they slowly began to disappear. It took a moment for everything to focus and for the colors to stop blurring together.

I find Icarus having the same reaction as he swayed on his feet.

I shake my head and straighten my posture. Apollo was completely unfazed as I'm sure he's done this a thousand times.

In front of me was a massive stone wall. It was tall, surpassing the trees in height. Moss coated the slabs and vines wrapped around it with age. At the center of it was a huge ark. People and wagons filtered in and out of the ark.

Outside of it all where we stood was a forest, the area lush with plants.

I take a deep breath, "where do we go from here?" He lives here, certainly he'd know where to go. I hope.

Birds chirp in the tree trunk, his reply is silence as he doesn't say anything. 

I look over to Icarus and see a quivering lip, eyes full of water. My brows draw together observing him. He took a step forward, the motion was slow, uncertain. The one step turned into two, two became three, and then before I knew it he was full-on sprinting to the stone ark.

He ran up to a man wrapped in cloth and wrapped him in a tight embrace. The man has a withered face, wisdom clear on his features. He was frozen, shock overcoming him. Then slowly joy began to spread throughout his eyes. His frail hands wrapped around Icarus as he rented his hug.

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