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~Burn me baby, pour gasoline down my shirt. Drench my skin in the glowing flame, burn me baby till ash only remains. Take my soul and pride, take it all away. Take whatever you see fit, ignite me while you know I love it. Rid me of this earth, help me find my new worth in your inferno. I won't put you to blame, so why don't you burn me baby?~


Athena's Pov:

——The previous night at the Rose Garden——

We're surrounded by thick bushes, the lush leaves a dark green. The shadows seem dimmer and look to stretch further than usual. At least in my eyes they do. The flowers are gorgeous, a beautiful color coats the smooth petals.

Perfect, perfection is something blatantly obvious in Olympus. So why was I having trouble not feeling perfect? I don't feel perfect. I feel dirty, disgusting, and like something is wrong. The opposite of perfection. I'm not being perfect. What's wrong with me?

I'm Athena, a goddess, why do I feel so...flawed?

I snapped, "What do you want?" 

My eyes dart to the stiff girl in front of me, she stands to attention and brings her hands to her side. 

"Simple, your cooperation." Her words and tone are snarky, though I couldn't miss the hints of admiration in her eyes. "The plan is simple, we'll both get what we want in the end if all goes smoothly."

She's less than confident in her words, though she is sure. She holds herself with grace, it was hard to believe she could be so calm when we were about to begin discussing just how to kill y/n.

No, not yet. I don't even know if her plan will be good or worth following. And at the end of the day, am I certain I want y/n dead?

She continued, "I knew you would come, all the better for the plan."

I kept my posture perfect, head held high as I watched her carefully. I bark out without caring about the cruelness, "Stop being cryptic! Tell me why I'm here before I leave. I didn't miss my important day just to waste time with you."

I don't recognize the girl, I'm not in Olympus very often. And when I am, it's on business or to attend a meeting. I don't dwindle around like the others, I'm a busy person.

I feel frustrated and like I could combust at any point. I don't want to wait around for her senseless introduction.

"We both want her dead, correct? I assume I am since you're here." She smiles, I bite my lip and nod hesitantly. "Good. Now, you should know she can't be killed here. I've tried, I was intervened before she could be even harmed." A scowl slowly overcame the girl's features as she looked to be remembering something.

So far I look at her unimpressed. Is this what I'm here for? To hear someone rant about her new scheme when her last attempt failed so greatly?

My heart is beating so fast it hurts and my head is pounding with thoughts I refuse to think. I spoke with gritted teeth, "On with it! To the point girl."

I don't know what I want anymore. I know why I'm here, but I don't. What I am is very confused, and conflicted.

I was offset from the letter this servant girl sent me. I've been feeling a lot of things lately. When I saw Y/n speaking with Dionysus earlier in the seats, I wanted to rip her head off.

One moment I can like y/n, want to protect her from this girl who wants to cause her harm. But the moment y/n does something I don't like, I want to cease her pitiful existence. 

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