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~How to love, if only there were a book on it. If these feelings were behind a cover and written in ink, well I'm sure you'd be mentioned somewhere.~


Y/n's pov:

My eyes, as usual, are slow to open. Not anticipateing the overcasting light to be so bright. Geez it's like I'm outside.

Only as I become more aware do I see that is exactly where I am. As my senses come back I realize my hands clinging on to branches that are coated with the most healthy leaves I've ever seen.

I peer around me. It's-well, to put it simply gorgeous. Though even that wouldn't be doing the beauty around me justice.

As I take in my surroundings I spot a girl watching me.

An awkward half-smile marks my lips. It doesn't reach my eyes, even I can tell this much, but I try anyway. "Hello?"

I already know it's pointless to talk considering it's a dream.

The woman takes a step closer to me. "Hello mortal. How are you here?" The question is said as if she's been holding it in for a while. Odd.

I try to stand from the bush that seems to hug my body. Though it feels awfully difficult as the branches are clinging to my clothes and are rooted in the fabric.

When I finally plant a foot on the ground, I only fall forward. My eyes squeezed shut as I felt arms wrap around my body keeping me upright.

I grumble, "Sorry. That bush had a crush on me or something." I try to straighten up and dust off my clothes.

She backs away from me. "In truth?" Her eyes dart to the bush and she seems to glare at it. This only brings light laughter to me.

"No, not literally." The girl's face relaxes at my words.

Now that she is closer I notice her features. Her skin was fair and seemed without fault. Her autumn brown eyes frame a pointed nose. The hair on her head was long and flowed down her back in night-black.

"What is your name mortal?" She looks me in the eyes as she speaks. I only look away. Eye contact is less than enjoyable for me.

"Y/n." My eyes darted everywhere but hers. This is a pretty long dream. And your dreams usually weren't this vivid.

The way the sun beats on your skin. The way you can feel the moist grass on your feet. A sweet scent of floral perfume reaches your nose. This all seems too real to be a dream.

That fact hit you like a brick as your face drained of all color.

"Where am I?" The question is spat out before any thoughts of politeness or manners can be managed.

"Y/n, you should be more respectful in the presence of a goddess." Her words held no Ill intent and sounded kind.

Though as panic flooded your mind she could have been cussing you out for all you knew.

What the fuck. Ok ok. Think. Rationalize. This is impossible. I was in my bed moments ago. It has to be a hoax. I was drugged or kidnapped or-...

"D-did you say, goddess."

The woman tilted her head slightly, a look of bemusement on her face. As if I'd sprouted two heads.

"Yes. I am a goddess. I am Hestia. You should practice being more careful when speaking to someone in my position. Though I will grant you mercy mortal."

Her eyes stare holes into me. While her curious gaze never leaves me I panic.

I've lost it. It was the lack of sleep, wasn't it? Did I overwork myself?

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