Eros's Arrow

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~ I'm sleep deprived and you're my demon, the one that envelops me in darkness that I ever do crave. The pure euphoria and bliss I receive just to be aware you lurk in my shadow. To acknowledge that I'm not alone but have someone look over my every move. I truly thank you for this blessing, forgive me when I sleep. Because once I lie in my covers and fall into a slumber you will no longer be there, only in my induced hallucinations from lack of rest will we ever meet again.~

Y/n's pov:

I wonder if he's aware. Of how much I want to punch him in his perfectly handsome face. Square into his perfectly stupid smirk.

I'm to tried for this, the sleep I missed still bugging me occasionally and in the back of my mind.

He uttered the question as it didn't bother him in the least. And that's what ticked me off more then it should have. This is why I don't think nice things about people, they always have a way of showing some twisted side making you regret the nicer things.

Be nice y/n, it's not like your all sunshine and roses.

"How, how did you even know that..?" Seriously. It's offsetting. Did one of the twins tell him? I doubt it.

"You see, that's another question." His voice dips lower then it did previously, his eyes looking into mine with an extra degree of intensity. All sounds seem to cease, the people on the porch and the buzzing of bugs. "Please y/n, just answer the question."

"I Ughm." Words fail my tongue as I can't get anything out with that look. I have to turn my head away and pretend he's not there to complete my sentence. "I just don't see the point."

"Is that all?" His words don't beg or pressure me for an answer, there just that, words.

"Well, it just seemed like a lot of responsibility. Yeah it's be cool for a few days till your being worshiped and can't walk around without a disguise." Technically I'm in a disguise right now, but that's only so I can get home so I try not to think about it to hard.

"Hm. Alright then."

"Is that it?! Your not going to tell me I'm wrong, that I shouldn't have turned down something so amazing?" It, bothered me in a sense that I couldn't quite understand.

"It was entirely your desision, not mine or others. If that's what you chose all I can do is respect you being certain of your wishes. I only asked in the first place cause I'm curious."

"Oh. I didn't think of it like that."

"Well it's the only way you should, think about it. It is after all your life and you'll have to live with whatever you descide." It feels like he just punched me in the gut with a fact I completely ignored.

He's right. Completely. And he's hearing me out, taking into consideration what I want. I haven't received something like that since I was taken away from the two guys. And even before I came here, nobody even cared about what I had to say.

Your an adult y/n, not a kid anymore. Nobody listened to you as a a kid. So why would they listen to you when your an adult?

He is. Eros is listening to me. That's a start I can appreciate. Perhaps I can be listened to.

"Is something the matter?" I blink and refocus my vision that has begun to blur.

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