Lovely Chaos

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~Your ability to knock air out of lungs, your willingness to crush our lips together. Leaving them tingling and begging for more. Every brush of our hands sends lightning through my veins. Everything you do sets my skin ablaze as the fire burns. I'll let you burn me, please, turn me to ash.~


Hermes Pov:

I tap my foot impatiently, my arms crossed over my chest. How could I be patient?  It was impossible knowing I was waiting for her.

My head was turning every which way looking out for her. Where is she??

Last time I checked she and Ares were off training as a morning thing. How did I know? Let's just say the servants love their gossip.

It was now the middle of the day. Meaning their training should be over.

I turn my head to the right, my eyes narrow as someone rounds the corner. A grin is instantly slapped on my face seeing it's her, my girl.

Well, not mine yet. She'll come to see someday that I'm all she needs. All she'll ever have to rely on.

I instantly begin my stride to her.

My steps faltered seeing a head of blond hair follow close behind her. Great, just my luck.

It was foolish to think I'd get a moment alone with her. She's being surrounded and flocked by everybody all the time! What about me?!

Steps were now heated as I made my way in her direction. "Y/n!"

Her eyes look up and meet mine. I'm treated with to the sight of glorious irises that look back with genuine curiosity and question. Gods, she's so precious.

"Hermes what-"

I wrapped my hands around her waist, picking her up off her feet and spinning her in a circle. "Gorgeous, I've been waiting for you!"

I set her down, smiling all the while. She laughed, the sound equal to that of an angel's chorus. I could get drunk on the sound.

"What are you up to?" She asked, grinning with a raised brow. I took note of how Apollo gritted his teeth behind her.

"Can't a guy want to see you? You're worth the effort tenfold." I winked at her, she only rolled her eyes playfully.

I knew the flirting would mean nothing to both of us. However, I can't prevent it as it comes so fluently.

"Don't you got god business to take care of?" Her words were teasing as they only worked to widen my smile.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you were trying to get rid of me." I shook my head, my grin dying down. "Y/n, do you think we could spend time together today? I'd love to get to know you."

I'm an asshole. A complete one. And that's not an exaggeration considering all that I've done and put others through. But when I'm set on something, actually wish to have whatever it may be, I can set all jokes aside.

Don't get me wrong, she'll be lovely to tease.

Though I'm a straightforward person. You'll always know where you stand with me whether you're in my good graces or not.

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