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~Paper heart you made me on that Tuesday morning. Layed your soft lips upon the folds, kissed it then told me the most beautiful things to grace my ears. A sparkle in my day; as the paper now sits in my pocket safely tucked away. Once your mouth could no longer give me such praise, once your body could no longer give me warmth, you lie in the dirt. I came to your burying place, to give you my own paper heart, I pray you'll love it.~


Lydia's Pov:

I and the fellow servants were alerted of a fire. What dumbasses started a fire?

As soon as we got to the scene and realized it was the kitchen hatred coursed through my body. It was a dagger to the heart knowing this was the work of that asshole. Who else would use the kitchen after all? Certainly not the perfect gods that roam these halls, they are without fault and unable to cause such a horrid sight. So it must be her.

That bitch! She's a hoe who's had too much fortune come her way!

My hand dropped the mop in my hand within seconds. My face grew red with anger and my steps heavy. I'm not cleaning up after her. I'd rather face the wrath of Zeus himself than have to pick up after that attention-seeking girl.

Their all idiots. Every single one of them that grow to like her. She's nothing but a lying slut who has weaseled her way into Olympus. I hope she shrivels up and dies an old hag!

The sounds of my heels clicking filled the dull halls, my sight was clouded by unmistakable rage. My teeth were grinding as I avoided the wary looks given to me by other workers. Everything was drowned out by the growing disgust I had for her.

"...I didn't think you'd fall, that's never happened before." I hear a deep voice say quietly. My feet stop moving.


Well, who else would that angelic voice belong to?

God's, what I'd give for an afternoon alone with him. A grin is lied on my face. I'd show him what fun is as we had a good time. I'm certain I'd catch his eye from my looks alone. If he'd spare me a glance, I'd swoon him with the servant act.

I'm better than the other servants, easily. I'm prettier, more poised, and way more elegant than all of them combined. I stand out most amazingly, the lush of my hair and the plumpness of my lips would drop anybody dead. It should all be about me, I'm pretty sure even Aphrodite is jealous of my looks from how she side-eyes me. Im perfect!

So it's only natural that Hermes, practically all the gods, would love me. Why none of them have spoken to me yet outside of commands is baffling. I'm only putting up with Artemis to get closer to Apollo. He's charming, making him worthy of my beauty. Though even then he still hasn't talked to me! It's not fair.

I no longer stand still as I make my way to the faint voice following it.

I was led to an area outside of the pillars. The light was dim as things began to darken.

My eyes landed on the scene, pupils gleaming with disdain. Whore, is all I can think as I watch them gaze into each other's eyes. How dare she act as if she's something? She's no better than the speck of dust on my shoes. Why does she, a stupid girl: get to be so close to the gods? why not me, I'm pleasant and would make a perfect wife.

I'll teach her, I'll show her just what happens to skanks like her. Don't worry y/n, you'll get everything coming to you, in time.

I slowly began to walk away. Hermes baby, don't worry, you won't have to put up with that bitch for much longer.

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