Out Of Reach

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~Such anguish in marvelous eyes. What tomenemts your gaze is a sorrow I wouldn't wish upon my enemies. That's why as I kiss you I bring such care. This is the reasoning behind why I only tell you the truth when we whisper sweet things. I do not wish to shatter your glass heart so when I lie my head on yours listen to what I murmur. You smart, magnificent, and stand bright in all your glory. Life has dealt its hand and the sand timer only keeps trickling down. Why waste another second full of distress when your so much better then all the heartache?~

Apollo's Pov:

The dinner was over sooner than any of us would have liked. Though we each got our own one-on-one moments to say goodnight.

Everyone's was brief as they shuffled off to mind their business. I smiled all the while even though I was last to say goodnight. How could I be anything but happy with her in my eyesight?

My goodbye was equally as short as everybody's even though I wanted it to be hours.

No one remained as I hesitantly stood back and watched her leave.

My heart wanted to burst from how tight it was clenching. Every-time I watched her walk away I wanted to tear the world apart just to keep her by my side. No matter how many hours we spent together it was never enough. I needed her with me for eternity. To never leave me as I only shower her in the all the pleasantry's I can offer. Once upon a time I was selfish and arrogant, but all that builds in my mind now is images of her. Not just her looks but words that make me feel like I'm melting. She could shout at me and I'd let her, she could stab me with a dagger to the heart and I wouldn't mind. I'd cross oceans, empires and the whole universe if she were at the end of it all. At this point she is at the end of all that I seek. Now everything I work to gain and fight for is for her.

All for her.

How do you tell that to a girl who already has so much troubling her?

How do you tell her your heart beats for her breath when she's barely breathing. Will I ever get to say how my eyes shine and light for her exhausted ones?

Never will I ever get to say how much you have changed my way of living? Do you know how much you've changed love poems for me? Changed the way I view life? I've lived for so long, but I was never living, only existing.

With you here. I can live, breath when I didn't know I was suffocating.

Will all these thoughts, emotions and desires ever reach your ears?

God's...I love you.


I love you.

More then when the stars dot the glorious night sky. More then all the riches and more then all the power I've ever yelided. Nothing will ever compare to the way you stand as my universe now.

I'll never love anything else as much. Your words and glances only kindling the flame. Wondering in your infinite sea of eyes lost and in a daze, only did I come to learn that in being lost I have become found.

But you keep walking.

You didn't look back at me once you said goodnight.

This is why my heart clenches and I feel light headed.

My feet tap on the marble as I advance towards you, hand outstretched as I try to reach you but you only grow further. I walk faster, trying to get to you. Though the hallway only stretches and feels longer. It's grows in length and width as I feel so small. Insignificant in this sea of emotions.

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