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~For you, I'm a dog chained to a fence waiting for its master. My ears perking up at every catch of your voice and my nose sniffing for your scent. I'll shiver in the snow, get sick in the rain and pass out in the summers. I'll survive and wait through it all, just so I can see you again.~


Artemis's pov:

"Don't kill it! There are so many other things to eat! Go find a cow somewhere!" Her hands move in the air rapidly trying to prove her point as a scowl lies on her face.

"Where the hell am I going to find a cow in the blasted forest y/n!" The man sneered, frustration evident on his face.

The two were in the forest, arguing over whether to kill the fawn or not.

I laugh slightly to myself. I have no clue who the girl is, but I've already taken a liking to her and her sympathy for my sacred animal. So kind she is.

The fawn wanders around, dipping its head to eat the moist grass. Completely oblivious to the fact that the two humans will decide it's faith. Birds chirp a song as most begin to fade away from the night. The trees act as a cover and the moss as a blanket all for those who inhabit the forest. 

"I don't care what else you have to kill! But if you lay a finger on that baby I will not hesitate to rip your tongue out!" Baby? This girl is truly amusing.

"It's the only thing we've found all morning! We eat it or we're starving all day. Your call."

I smile as I watch her from behind a thicket of trees. This girl is endearing, despite all her yelling and cursing I can't help but marvel at all her words.

The sun rose in the distance as the day had just begun. The light from it makes her face glow and shine, her hair becomes more vibrant and her eyes colorful. I could stare at her for hours.

Buzz in Olympus is great at the moment. Rumors of a human girl making it to Olympus without the aid of a god have reached the ears of all who dwell in the palace. Even lesser gods have heard of the girl, y/n,  through one ear or another. I'm sure this girl in front of me is the same one. I'm certain.

She was thought to have stayed in Olympus, though nobody knows why Hera let her go. She refuses to say why and has orders for the girl to be under her protection. No one was supposed to go looking for her, they were to go about business as usual.

when I learned of this I didn't let it concern me. Whatever may have happened wasn't my business. So while I tried to stay out of the drama I would constantly hear about it from my brother, Apollo. He would ramble on and on about how lovely she was.

It sounded odd considering he had only met her the same afternoon, yet he speaks of her as if they've known each other for centuries.

More often than not his voiced thoughts were worrisome. He was concerned about how she would get back to daily life after the event. He worried that she would not be living a good life, one that belonged to a peasant because of how thin she was. He told me she had witty words despite her sometimes sickly state. I thought the girl was just plain mad to hold such language that she had with a god.

Though I've never seen her, my eyes have fallen in love with her beauty and how she doesn't hold back with her words. I can't help but fall into a deep hole of yearning. I wouldn't mind if it was a bottomless pit I got stuck in forever and never found my way out of.

The girl must have this effect on people considering how much Hermes and Apollo begged Hera to go after her. At the time of their pleading, I stood in the room to prevent Apollo from doing anything rash.

"Hera! Please, I can promise you no harm will come her way with me at her side!" His voice and eyes begged her.

I wanted to cringe away at the moment. In a way it was embarrassing. The way he acted, I had never seen him act in such a way with absolute obsession. It was sickening to see him react in such a way, it made me only more curious as to who the girl was. How did she put my brother under such a curse? I wondered at the time. I no longer have to.

"No. My orders are that no one is to look for her. You should just forget her existence." Her lips were in a thin line and her eyes less cold than usual. I'm sure she missed the girl as well.

"How about me?" Hermes spoke in a tease.

A slate of ice took over her gaze as she glared at his cocky and carefree smile. "No. You are not an exception so do not act as if you are."

He shrugs, as if he couldn't give a care in the world. But I don't miss it as I watch from the side. There was something dark flashing across his eyes, the gleeful smile on his face twitching ever so slightly. Someone who lacks observation skills would think he just didn't care, to think he doesn't care couldn't be further from the truth.

So who is this girl, the one that has such a reckless man so upset? Or rather distressed would be a better word. They both were, Apollo and Hermes, over the loss of the the girl they call y/n.

Well, Hera, I did not look for her. I sat as she came to me. So technically I have done nothing wrong.

To get away from all the hustle in Olympus that was caused by the mortal girl I went to one of my favorite quiet spots. A location in the thick of the woods that housed creatures sacred and ordinary. It was not perfect but had natural beauty, something worth admiring. Unlike Olympus where everything is perfect, serene to the point that it's no longer worthwhile.

As I was walking through the maze of wood I heard a voice, two voices, fighting over whether to kill the fawn or not.

The deer is an important animal to me. So instantly I sided with the girl in my mind. I stayed out of sight and didn't even look for them, not wishing to make myself known. But the moment I heard the male say her name I knew I had to see her. At least once. I had no way of knowing if this was the girl that was so talked about. Though whether she was or wasn't, I didn't want the opportunity to slip from my grasp

So my feet acted upon the impulsive thoughts and I soon found her. I crept behind a tree, my eyes finding her figure and soaking her in at last. What I'd give to embrace her. To know her scent and drink it in like a finely aged wine.

The man with blond hair narrows his eyes. "Y/n. You're being unreasonable. Stop being stubborn for one moment and-." His head and eyes move to wear I stand and a menacing look plasters to his features.

I can feel my eyebrows draw together gazing at the man. How did he know where I was? It's not every day a mortal can detect my presence. He must be different. Much like our little y/n here. I suppose this an opening as good as any to make myself known.

His footsteps are calculated as he stands in front of the girl who has a baffled look on her face. "I see you, come out. Or I will make you." His words aren't a question but rather a command. I laugh slightly as I step away from the shadows.

Y/n, my little angel. I see you're surrounding yourself with interesting people.

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