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~Tear drops falling on the lily petals. How lovely it was with your smile. But now it's gone and so is the joy. My Love, my lady, my only one. Please stop crying because the petals are drenched in your sorrow. As is my heart as I fear they'll both drown in your tears. Let me wipe the drops and kiss hurt away. I'll pluck the lily flower and put it in your possession, tuck it behind your ear as it lies in your hair. Too many tears you have shed, it's time to rest now. I'll be near my dear, you may rest your head.~


Eros's pov:

Out of here. She needs to be out of here. It's not safe for her. Not with those two yelling at each other like lions in a cage.

"Y/n! Glad your awake. How would you like breakfast in a human town?" I wish I could calm down and be more presentable but in truth I'm nervous. A bead of sweat forming on my brow and my smile strained.

Anything but here. Now, we need to leave now.

Her eyebrows are crossed in concern. "Hey what's w-"

Before her words can be uttered a loud bang is heard. "Asshole! Respect me damn it!"

She rolls her eyes, muttering with her arms across her chest. "Someone needs to tell that guy respect is earned not given."

I groan, "yes. I couldn't agree more." Those bone heads. Thinking with their fist instead of with logic. To be truthful I have no idea what todays argument was, I just knew them arguing never lead to anywhere good.

Normally their fighting wouldn't mean much. It truly wouldn't as it was a given with the type of relationship they held. It's normal for us and has become a custom. But y/n is a mortal. Their violent ways of solving issues won't be ideal for her.

So far it's verbal, but soon things will be thrown, walls will be smashed and blood will be shed.

I do not want her to be here when all is broken loose and they grow unhinged!

I step closer to her and grab her elbow, "come. Let's go now."

"Wait! What's going on?" I love how curious she is. Like a new born doe just finding her way around a world. It's only natural, everything us immortals do will grow on her. This I'm sure of.

"It's just that. Well-...Ares, has returned to Olympus." Yes, the dim witted fool has wondered back into the marble structure with a boiling temper. And he likely wonders why no one likes him.

"Ares?" She ponders for a moment. A moment we don't have.

I tug on her arm gently trying to bring her along with me. "Questions on the way, right now we walk."

She nods. Good girl.

Her feet are close after mine as I never released her elbow. I was still in a hurry as I kept walking in a firm pace.

"Wait so, is he the reason we're leaving?"

"Yes." I see something flash across the girls eyes. I try to ignore it as she grows silent by my side.

I can dig deep later, for now the top priority is leaving before this place has ruble on the floors.

Yelling could be heard, who the voice belonged to was hard to tell as it was mixed in with another booming voice. It left me with a headache I only wish would wear off by sundown. Who am I kidding, I'll be feeling it till next month.

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