Not As Easy

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~How lost I'd be. Till you wandered into my life the poems I read were equal to that in a textbook. They held no meaning and we're just existing in the back of my dull mind. Though now that I know I could love a voice so. Now that I know I can love a walk, talk, and flip of your hair like the sunset times a thousand. All of it seemed to click and now those love-sick poets speak as if they were revealing a truth we all seek. Thank you, for helping me understand.~


Eros's Pov:

I don't miss how the other man in the room grows anxious, that blended in with fury. I also observed that the girl didn't seem to be swooned by my charms. Rather her nose scrunches, similar to when the servant said something lousy.

Wait. Did I say something bad? Nonsense! I complimented the girl and all she did was throw it back in my face! My efforts and talents are wasted on such a specimen. But why do I feel myself wishing it went differently?

I know somewhere, I wanted her to fall for me as if she stumbled off a cliff and yelled the whole way down.

I refuse, I refuse to think I'd feel such a way towards a filthy mortal.

She may be a mortal, but I truly meant the compliment. She could be a goddess with her looks.

Right. It's not like I care. Why should I? Mortals are such fragile, greedy creatures that only look out for themselves after all.

The girl pulled her hand away, "could you not do that? At least not without asking..."

She seemed uncomfortable, an apology was spewed from my mouth before I could fully process what was being spoken. "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset, I only wished to please you." I send her a dashing smile, "I'll be sure to ask next time."

Y/n seems unimpressed with my attempts, her lips staying sealed shut in a thin line as she barely even looked at me. Her eyes take more interest in the floor and her feet than they do in my presence. This only causes my smile to deflate as I hear Apollo snicker behind me.

I clear my throat, "so, Y/n. What brings you to Olympus."

Apollo places a hand on my shoulder and speaks up before the girl can blink. "Now now Eros. We must be going."

"Eros!" A truth seemed to go off in the girl's head as her face filled with happiness upon the realization. "I knew you looked familiar!" Apollo and my head turn to the girl who seemed to be overly excited about the discovery.

"Ah, so you have heard of me?" A cocky grin slides onto my face with ease. Of course, she's heard of me. Who hasn't? While it helps my ego, somehow it's relaxing to know she can see value in the god I am.

"Yeah! You cause mayhem by shooting people who don't love each other forcing them to." Or, maybe not.

Apollo looks like he's close to bursting beside me. My face is straight as I blink at the girl a few times, words failing me if I even wanted to speak.

Her cheeks heated up, "oh my god! I shouldn't have put it like that. My bad." She gives a nervous laugh whilst scratching the back of her head.

"No, it's quite alright. I just see love in places you mortals don't." Not to brag, but I can pick up on the little things. Sense things others don't. That means I notice the details you mortals would never pick up on. Changes in heart rate, how a gaze lands someone they truly feel feelings for.

She gives a quick roll of her eyes as the words slide off her tongue in a slick sheet of ice, "More like force it."

my eyebrows furrowed at her accusations, "Pardon?"

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