Safe With

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(A/n: does anybody read the short paragraph in the beginning?? Or is it something I shouldn't bother with anymore? Also I'm sorry this took a while to post, I got a 44% on my biology quiz and am panicking, but the world still turns and I still gotta post! Anyhow that's besides the point, enjoy the chapter!)



~Like a flower you dance in the wind, instead of petals billowing your hair tangles its strands. Your body is the stem ever so delicate and fragile. But like the flower you're resistant and will stand in a storm surviving it all to bloom strongly in the end. You won't be picked but admired as there is no need for you to be held captive. Free without an owner you are. Little flower, if you were to allow someone to pick you, would you let me?~


Eros's pov:

Sweet as honey with skin as smooth as butter.

Only she's as nice as a bear, and her skins not as smooth as can be. Yet I've still become sickeningly infatuated with her.

So charming you are y/n. And the most wonderful part to me is I can't call you perfect. Because you're not, you're far beyond perfect as you don't reach the line to be called such a thing. You're not perfect, not at all, and somehow you are. How silly is that? I know you're not because you have an attitude and don't care for what you say. Though in a sense it makes up who you are and you are perfect. Gods, I'm thinking nonsense. And she's the only one who will put me out of my misery with her careful yet wary gaze. I'm just beginning to realize what it is that I make people feel for my own heart is starting to beat for another person. Ridicules, utterly ridiculous.

I've taken her to a human village and we pad around with unpleasant mortals. My eyes dart all around while my head stays forward and my feet acourse. She stayed by my side, her hand in mine as I didn't look to lose her. I wouldn't let you run away from me little angel.

Not now, and quite frankly never.

It's no wonder Apollo became so irritated when I stole your attention.

"So like, not to rush buuut, we've kinda been walking for a bit. You gonna do anything yet?" She inquired, her rounded eyes looking up at me with a curious glance. My observant eyes pause for a moment and return her look with my own soft one.

I think I'm falling. Where I'll land is unknown. All I know is I'm being submerged in a warm feeling. It's suffocating yet light. Just where did you send me plummeting y/n?

"Yes, the first part is to find my victi-I mean target." Her gaze finally adverts from mine as she peers at our surroundings.

"Target? Makes you sound like more of an assassin than love god."

I laugh, hearing her words but still searching and being aware of everything that goes on around me. "Assassin? I wouldn't bother with such frivolous work."

We were in a poor location, dirt roads paving the streets. Some homes had broken windows, though even the full ones were sitting with grime built up from the years. While the architecture is awful and the relative worth of the spot is very low, it makes up in its beauty in nature. The flowers growing in bushes are vibrant and lush, the trees spring from the ground in a flourishing life. At least one thing in beautiful in this horrid spot. Well, my lady beside me is also quite beautiful as well I must admit...

Our feet keep to the path, men and women nod at us giving us a weary smile as if to ask who the travelers are.

Who are we? Well, I'm a god, the god Eros. And beside me, a girl who looked around anxiously yet stood firm and tall, eyebrows furrowed in thought as I'm sure thousands of them course through her busy mind. Why she, is my angel.

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