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~ I laughed to myself as the danger pierced your heart, the feeling sent a chill up my spine. I stabbed in and out, over and over till your breath was no longer. Your blood soaks my clothes, bleeding through the fabric and wetting my skin. It was so warm, I felt so happy. I wanted to be closer to you, this was the only way, and I hold to regrets.~



Y/n's Pov:

Everyone's been coming to me...

I began to think, wringing my hair out with a towel. Where the towel came from I'm not sure, it was hanging on that divider. My feet padded over to my dresser, wrapping the towel around my body I sighed. The food I ate early this morning felt like a heavy rock in my stomach.

All these people keep coming to me asking for one-on-one time. That or we just happen to find each other. I'm appreciative of it, times a hundred, but--of course, there's a but--it just doesn't sit right with me in a sense.

Not completely, just a small tiny little bit.

Fate; a cruel person who has dealt me a hand I'd like to throw in the gutter, isn't someone I want to rely on.

Especially not now since I'm trying to change.

I need to take things into my own hands. I shouldn't wait for people to come or seek me out. Effort needs to be put out on my part, or else I'm just a sitting duck waiting for attention. I should return what I was given. Not that it's necessary, plus it's only partially about that.

In truth, I just wish to bond with these people who have given me so much. They've provided me with more than I would ever hope for from where I came from. It's different to go from isolation to being surrounded by people who sincerely care about you. Every passing day when they see to hang out with me, go out of their way to make sure I'm alright, I feel as if a family bond is forming.

A large grin formed on my lips just thinking about it. My hands were riffling through the clothing drawer, looking for something decent to wear. Ya know, something that didn't present my breasts to the world, just the usual. My eyebrow and smile twitched.

Maybe family isn't the right word.

Behind my eyes flashes memories engraved into my brain. It involved me staring at Ares's vein-covered muscles, swimming in Apollo's blue eyes, shivering from Eros's touch, and more.

Not to mention that visit from Dionysus last night. That was a bit nerve-racking I must admit. His eyes on my skin felt so excruciating; like he was studying and soaking in every detail of my body. There was so much going through his mind, you could tell from his eyes alone.

A burst of warmth coursed from my chest knowing he was going out of his way to see me. I had a feeling everyone was doing that. Their all gods, important busy people. It's hard to believe they have all this free time to spend on me.

I can't help but feel special because of it. Not special like they are, but I feel seen. It's glorious. I've begun to subconsciously crave being at someone's side in seconds like this when I'm alone. Someone always hanging over my shoulder so it's not something I feel often. However, I wish and yearn for it when I'm alone.

Is it wrong to think such things? To feel so attached to them?

Maybe it's a bit selfish. I'm only a mortal after all, in no way am I equal to them. When I first got here fear coursed through my veins despite my doing nothing to show it outwardly, frankly I even tried to mask it in my thoughts as I ignored my hammering heart. But the air they give off, the overwhelming power that seeps from their pours. Let's just say you can will your mind to not notice, however, your body most definitely will. Telltale from my sheened brow and snap-back responses to just about everything.

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