Warm Greeting

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~Till the rose wilts I will love you. Till the petals fall and shrivel and nothing remains I shall love you with soul and mind. When the drops of red no longer fall from the stem is when I part from you. Not because I don't love you, but because love doesn't last forever. Because like all good and bad things, an end is always bound. That doesn't mean I won't forget you, and that doesn't mean my heart won't remember you when it no longer beats, that my lungs won't clench when I see you, my love. I always will somewhere in my soul, love you, my one and only lost lover.~

Y/n's pov:

What in the actual fuck. I can't escape them, can I?! These sons of bitches.

As if I wasn't annoyed enough at the fact that this heel boy wants to kill the baby child. The deer was so cute, practically screaming innocence and he had the audacity to kill it in front of me?! survival of the fittest my ass, even if he had killed it I doubt we'd get much meat from the fawn.

It infuriated me. And when I have my mind set on something I don't plan to take it back. Ever. Even if I'm wrong. That's probably not a good thing but that's besides the point!

And what the hell is a goddess doing here?! I left Olympus which was practically crawling with them. Isn't it like, rare for them to go to earth unless they're punished or pissed at a mortal?! That or they're horny as fuck.

How do I know she's a goddess? There's practically a halo around her. Well, maybe not a halo, but rather an aura. I'm not one for that crystal shit usually, but she just has a vibe around her. Does that make sense? Of course not dumbass.

"Hello?" My voice dripped with discontent and I didn't plan to hold back any time soon. Hell, if I didn't like a situation I'm not going to act like I do. It depends on the circumstances though, like how I'd rather shit and kill myself before I ever stood up to a certain someone. Whatever, that's beside the point.

Achilles looks back at me with drawn eyebrows, a look of frustration. He's telling me to shut up in simple terms. Will I? Hell no.

"Hello mortal." Again with the mortal. Geez get off your high horse already.

Her feet walk closer to me. Achilles stands between us with a stance I couldn't name. If he thinks he's going to protect me it's foolish. I'm sure I've already screwed up in some way or another in the short time that I've met this lady.

I take a step to the side and forward so I stand beside him instead of letting him be my human shield.

I'm regretting my choice of coming out here. After my injury-which felt a lot worse than it was-healed up as much as it could in a night I sat at camp. The camps I didn't have a rightful spot in if I didn't contribute. I'd only been there for a day and spent a night, but that's all it took for me to suddenly feel guilty, to feel like a burden on their shoulders. If there's one thing I hate is bringing people down, that and owing people.

Those were two things I had with them. This only soured my mood as the realization dawned on me this morning. To feel like less of a nuisance I decided I needed to do something. Injured or not I couldn't sit around all day. And really, I'm sure the injury wasn't all that bad, right? Just a stick to the leg. I'm not even going to think about my aching muscles that throb with any simple movements.

As soon as I awoke I asked Patroclus if I could help with anything. He ushered me back into my tent saying I should rest after the previous events that took place yesterday.

It truly had been a long day, meeting those gods and almost being violated by that man I'd very much like to forget. Considering all the memories he had brought to me it much felt better to act as if it didn't happen. I shudder at the thought.

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