Awaiting Her

626 19 13

~You're my wings, I'm flying with you. I happily sore through the sky, wind rushing through my hair. I love you, thank you for showing me this heaven. I'll try not to look down. Yet as my eyes glance lower, I can't help but see how high up we are. Since you're my wings, if you stop loving me, will I fall? Perhaps this love isn't that blissful after all.~


Athena's Pov:

I can't bring myself to be anxious. Such a trivial feeling. I'm better than a feeling so...pitiful.

This morning, I caught the servant about to deliver food into y/n's room. I told the servant girl that I needed y/n to meet with me immediately. There was a slight panic in my voice.

Most of my worry has subsided by now.

The only reason I was nervous was because I couldn't believe I was going through with this.

In the back of my mind, for as long as I can remember, I've always been a leader. It feels sickening to follow someone else's plan.

I stand on the outskirts of the palace. A secluded area away from nosy ears. The pillars surround me, I lean against one. The sun beats down on me, I don't squint but look straight ahead, awaiting her.

The girl that's causing me all this trouble. I keep my eyes open wide, waiting for her. If it is not my feelings that are pitiful, this surely is.

There are footsteps, my eyes go to the source. An invisible weight is lifted off my chest when I see the familiar figure.

I stand straight, straightening out my dress I busy my hands and eyes.

She may have spotted me because her steps get louder and more rushed. "Athena!" Her voice is cheery, I don't have to look at her to tell she's smiling.

Oh great, here she comes again with that cheery attitude.

"y/n," I said her name simply, not showing nearly half her enthusiasm.

She's in front of me now, the sun shines on her face. Her skin glows because of it, her hair alight in the sun's beams. The smile she wears puts her teeth on full display, her grin as free as a bird.

But even the birds are confined by the sky.

Something else lies in her eyes, whatever it may be makes the gleam in them hard. Just what is it that's weighing so hard on her mind?

What does a girl like her even have to worry about? This angers me. Everything seems so perfect for her. She's living in Olympus. The gods here love her beyond compare. She's basked in pleasantries mortals can only dream of. She wears the finest of silks, her bed is enough to make a peasant man weep. Everything is settled for her, perfect.

As mortal as she is.

But even then, she was offered to be something greater. A goddess. She is either foolish or clever for denying this honor. (it's not as nice as you'd think, to have that title on your concussions)

I wish I had it as easy as her.

So what is it that haunts her? Why do I wish I could know what it is? Why do I want to reach out and soothe the worry lines on her face?

A reminder sinks into my gut.

Everything is not perfect for her. No, it can't be if someone's plotting against her demise.

Which reminds me of why I'm here...

A frown tugs down on my lips. I sigh, my shoulders sagging, as undignified as that sounds. "I was hoping to speak with you y/n, if you could spare a moment."

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