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~Love, I hope you know I'm trying to rid myself of my sins. I want to be as pure as you are so that when our time comes we may be in heaven together. So we can dance among the clouds and I can admire your smile. All that I do, say, and attempt, it's all for you. All in the hopes that someday, we can be together for eternity.~


Hestia's pov:

You didn't think I'd let you get away so easily did you y/n? I smirk. I'm not usually one to go as isn't my family, but you sweetheart make me feel brave.

I stand beside Zeus. Do I feel bad I brought light upon her existence in Olympus? A bit. Though I wouldn't do it without thinking first.

Zeus would find out a mortal resigned here one way or another. Gossip always finds a way to travel to him. If I'm the one to tell him I could have a chance to slip in. At least this way I will be able to watch him and make sure he never lays a finger in her. He has a reputation after all for doing as he wishes with mortal girls...

My stomach lurches just thinking of her being harmed in any way. I will not let it happen.

As soon as I witnessed Apollo lay eyes on her so soon before she could leave, I knew what I had to do. That ignorant prick would likely charm her or make a move on the mortal. I only acted for her safety. That's all I wish for her.

And unfortunately, that meant I needed Zeus, the one on top, to be on my side in protecting her. Never before have I thought I would have to use my family for my benefit. I wish I could say it left a nasty taste on my tongue. Though it's because it's for her benefit, that I don't find myself feeling that much remorse.

I stand beside Zeus in a grand room. His throne was large, slightly larger than the man himself as he sat upon it with an eye trained on the door to where the guest should arrive.

I almost feel giddy, and excited. Waiting for the door to open is daunting and just when I feel like I can't wait anymore the door begins to open.

A voice hisses, "y/n! I must go in first!" My mouth opens slightly as the one to appear first is not Apollo, but y/n herself. My eyebrows furrow.

She is followed shortly after by Apollo, then out of the blue, Hermes. This was rather... Unexpected.

I narrow my eyes at Apollo. That moron, why would he bring the girl here! My face begins to become red with anger, I force myself to take a few deep breaths. No use getting worked up over it. I smirk. Zeus will put him in his place, it will all be alright.

Zeus gives an amused hum.

Y/n's pov:

The room is grand, just like all the other ones. Is there no room in this place that isn't flashy? Would it kill them to die down on the gold and marble? This room like all the ones before had a polished tile floor. Multiple pillars stood in the room and-go figure-were lined with a clean gold finish. As my eyes study the room I enter my eyes land on a certain goddess that stood out to me.

Hestia!? What in the actual fuck did I just walk in on. Ok, you know what, I should have listened and stayed put.

I thought I'd just have to put up with Zeus, no way I'm having to deal with both of these gods, and Apollo and Hermes on top of it all.

My eyes landed on her first but as they roam the room they seem to be pulled to the large man like a magnet. He sat upon a polished throne, the expression on his face rather intrigued.

I take a step backward, ain't no way in hell I'm staying here. "Ughm, you just wanted to see Apollo right..? Well, then I should be going." I give an apologetic smile and turn on my heels, making my way to the door at a steady pace.

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