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A/n: Okay, one, THANK YOU FOR 50K READS. THATS WILD. Two, I'm sorry I've been so inconsistent lately but my updating schedule is changing so that way I can post better and longer chapters. On the downside, it's now only two days a week. :(((( I'm not abandoning this story, not after I've already plotted the whole thing. Bear with me people. Now it is Saturdays and Sundays that are being updated! Enjoy the chapter!!

~I embraced you like how you would an old song when it reaches your ears after what feels like years. I felt your warmth and wrapped myself in it like it was a blanket. Your eyes burned into my skin and I savored the sting. You give me so much, give me more than I could need. Darling is this love between you and me? I hope I don't overthink your perfect attention, how lost I'd be without your warm expression.~


Eros's Pov:

She pulls my hand, where our skin touches small explosions go off. Her laugh illuminates the air, how lovely she looks. Her steps are quickly paced, her eyes looking down carefully to not trip on any branches.

When she asked me if we could explore, I most definitely was not expecting this brilliant surprise.

We were running amuck in the forest, 'adventuring,' as she so graciously put it.

A pleading look was on her face, "pleeaasseee. We'll be back before anybody knows where we went."

"I'm sure of that, but are you certain that's what you want to do in our time?" My arms were uncrossed as I gazed at her. Was this truly what she wanted? How fun could the forest even be? It's just green stuff and some more green. Not very entertaining for a lady I can imagine. As usual, she surprises me with what she insists.

Her head bobbed up and down enthusiastically, a wide grin on her lips. My will to argue was slowly caving in looking upon her pleading face. "I'm one hundred percent certain I want to go. But I won't force you to if you don't want to. We can do something different if you'd like" She gave a small shrug at the end of her sentence.

"I-" I was about to say we could do something else, anything else. Her leaving here might go against what Apollo originally set in the rules when they agreed she'd stay here. It very well might be with how irritated he was when I first took her out of Olympus.

Then again. When have I ever respected Apollo? The blasted fool.

Alright, I don't respect Apollo. However, all of the gods have agreed upon the terms. I would go against Apollo, but the majority of the gods of Olympus was another thing.

On the other hand, if I take her away from here, I'll guarantee being alone with her. If we stuck around the palace it's practically guaranteed we'll be interrupted. And that's a big no. Especially because of how special this moment feels to me.

She came to me and is willing to spend her time with me, which tells me a great deal. It means she cares and enjoys my company, which is all I can ask for. How appreciative I am.

I'm as careful with my steps as she is, not wanting to trip over the maze of vines that rest at our feet. I laugh with her. The trees were rather large, though the forest wasn't all that dense where we were. The branches were lush with life, birds singing on top of the birch.

Where are we going? I'm unsure. What the goal is. I'm also unaware. But we're together, we're together and I can feel the wind running through my hair, the sun beating down on my skin through the leaves, the cool mist in the air. Everything is so colorful, so special as were together.

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