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~Let me be your servant, waiting on your every call. I'll build you a castle if you do so please or maybe do something as simple as fetch you your tea. I'll be waiting for you on hand and foot, my only one. Just say the word and fret no longer nothing else will be a bother. I, your humble servant, has arrived, ready for any order may you say the line. Tell me special one, what would you like done?~


Lilly's Pov:

I waited patiently, my fingers intertwined behind my back. My head was down, eyes closed, waiting.

My back was pressed against a wall, I stood in the servants' halls—passageways we use to get around quickly without interrupting the gods. The air was thick with dust, we're so busy cleaning everywhere else that we never had the time to clean our own spaces. How could we when Olympus is so big?

Loud laughter could be heard down the halls. I didn't look up, nor did I peek. I knew better than that. The sound grew closer, as did steps and voices. The door swung open, banging against the wall and sending a loud thud through the hollow room. I almost flinched from it, I didn't, aware it would only make my situation worse.

My eyelids were pressed down tight. Not a yelp of sound escaped me when a sharp slap came down on the back of my head. "Hey, dunce. We got the instructions from Hera."

Slowly I raised my head and opened my eyes. "What did she say?"

The girl who had slapped me opened her mouth agape in disbelief. "Did you just ask me a question?" She scoffed, turning to look at the other girls who snickered. Turning back to me she pointed a finger at my chest, I took a step back. "Who do you think you are? We tell things to you and order you around, you're lucky we breathe the same air as you."

Her eyes narrowed on me,  I didn't shrink away. I kept my chin held high, meeting her steely gaze.

My lips pressed together firmly as I watched her carefully.

Her eyes narrow further, the disbelief on her face growing. "Well, look who's getting all confident." Her words were spat on my face, spittle landing on my cheek. "If you're all grown up you wouldn't mind taking my chores off my shoulders right?" A snide smile lined her thin lips.

The circle of girls around me grew thick, all leering in on me as I felt smaller than I ever had. One whooped, throwing her hand in the air. "Oh! Me-me! Take mine too!" That one voice turned into two, two turned to three, up until they started throwing their laundry at me. Brooms, clothes, and buckets were handed off to me.

My arms carried a pile of supplies and dirty clothes, I didn't resist as the stack grew, my eyes stuck to the floor as if glued.

I'll get it done. One way or another. I always do. This time is no different. A race against the clock, a challenge, I can do this.

The girl in front of me had a growing smirk, "Be nice to her guys. Our little Lilly looks like she's about to cry." She mocked me, whipping away false tears from her own eyes.

"May I be dismissed?" It was no use giving in to her childish antics.

She rolled her eyes at this, crossing her arms and planting her feet on the floor. "Not yet. Hera said we have to make decorations for tomorrow. But seeing as you're already doing so much, why don't you just do that too?" Her eyes swept over the pile I held. "Maybe I should help you, let me take something off your hands." She took a single shirt from the pile, causing everyone to burst into laughter. Everyone except me.

"Yes, Madam..." I distantly felt my hands ache. My knees were bruised and throbbing from scrubbing the stairs. My fingers were cut and burned from cooking. The hair on my head was greasy from not catching a break. As soon as I enter the servant's quarters I nock out cold. My eyes were envious seeing the hot bath I filled for Y/n moments ago.

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