Appearances Lie

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~I trust you like no other. You're the only one I wish to take this action against my life. Please, rip out my heart and dice it to pieces. I want you to put me at ease, let my aching head rest. Stop the cursed thoughts that run through my head because they have become too much to bear. My love you're the only one that can put me to rest. If you love me as much as you say you do, you'll let me find joy. Have my peace at last. It's all I ask of you, my love.~


Eros's pov:

Is this wrong? Perhaps.

Everyone else got to see her. So why not me? With everyone falling head over heels for the girl, how could I, the god of love not lay eyes on her? It would be ludicrous. Just mad.

I was likely not supposed to know of Apollo and Artemis's plan. And with the trouble they went through I'm now more certain than ever they never intended for others to know.

When I heard the goddess approach her brother I just happened to be in the area. Behind a wall I lurked, not eager to make my presence known as their conversation piqued my interest. Something evolving the name of the girl who's been in every conversation for a few days. I tried to pay no mind to this gossip because it was about some mortal.

Mortals never held any value to me. They still don't have any significant role in my mind. Though when I heard the two twins were going to go out of their way for one, blatantly disobeying Hera for her, how could I not be curious?

I crept into the room as two girls entered. I could tell the one with (h/c) was y/n because the other one was Artemis's servant. This could be told from her robes. We've never met up until this point but I know more about her than an average stranger. I know for one her name. I also know.


Maybe that's all I know. But I hear she's supposed to have a sharp and uncaring tongue. This intrigued me further.

I watched the servant tend to y/n, changing her appearance drastically. I examined what she did through my beady eyes. Well, it's not like I could be in my regular form and still stay hidden in a room. A fox, not too shabby if I do say so myself.

Y/n sits on a chair as the girl fuses over every detail. The servant applies something to the girl's hair that makes it grow to waist length within the blink of an eye. The hair color is the same, however, now falling in lush and thick waves. This girl looks uncomfortable, if I had more facial muscles I'd be smiling at how amusing it is to watch her squirm under the girl's touch.

She's funny. All her reactions are. Like how she wrinkles her nose every time the servant says something distasteful. Not in the way Hermes thinks he's funny. But amusing as in she could stand in a category all on her own. Her special type of entertaining. Fascinating how this human has managed to reel in just about everybody, I fear she has done the same to me.

No Eros, you are not like those other gods. You are the god of erotic love.

The servant tells y/n to bathe, the girl seems pleased by the offer and hustles away behind the curtain where the bath lies.

I found myself irritated I could no longer see her. Look upon her features and the color her cheeks hold showing warmth and life. The girl is so full of it that she might break the cup holding her very soul. Despite her fragile appearance the air around her tells a different tail.

I want her back in my sight and vision. What stops me from going behind that curtain to gaze upon her? I've certainly seen my fair share of women. Laid hands on them as well and felt the softness their skin had to offer.

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