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~They say till death do us part but I doubt something like that can keep us separated. Even if our breaths are no longer shared and lips no longer connect we'll find a way to make it from dawn to dusk. Even after the moon has risen we shall find a way to always be together while are still apart. That's how deep our love runs because it is practically in every one of our veins. As the world crashes and burns and our skeletons rest miles apart, we plan to always stay connected because we will always know deep in our hearts. Love isn't that simple, that we can never truly part.~


Achilles pov:

"Are we not going to talk about it?" Her voice speaks in a tease as a smirk rests on her lips. Her lips. I find myself looking at them more times than I'd like. I quickly avert my eyes before she catches where they had landed.

"No, I'd rather not. What's done is done." It was like Patroclus to shrug things off. Though I agree with him on this. The fact of the matter is what happened did and all we can do is move past it.

She just continues to walk beside us, her smirk now gone.

It's not like anything bad happened. But I could sense Patroclus was uneasy after the whole event. It had been a good while since I'd seen him become so. Protective. Of something, or rather, someone.

With how carefree y/n is I don't think she realized just how intense the other man got when the two were hitting heads. While I'm not the brightest even I know not to argue with a god. Y/n, how could you do it without hesitation? I truly envy your courage sometimes

Like how yesterday you stood your ground. I was pissed you didn't come to me for help. Hell, the guy was weak and I took him down with ease. While he was an easy foe for me, not so much her. I wanted to kill him slowly once I saw the terror on her face when we arrived at the scene. Make him suffer the same way he made her suffer.

But after taking a second glance at her and seeing it wouldn't help her in any way I deduced it needed to be done swiftly and without fault. Her safety was a priority, she didn't need to be in his presence any longer than needed.

Nonetheless, maybe I shouldn't have been so rude about it.

I should apologize. It seems like the best thing. Wait, but should I? It would be random and out of the blue if I were to bring it up. I wouldn't want to freak her out. Then again she probably thought of it as a frightening experience she'd rather forget. So then it would be insensitive of me to bring it up. But if I don't apologize I'll feel awful about snapping at her that day. Then what can I do?

"Hey, y/n-" I feel words die on my tongue as the two turn to stare at me. Our feet made it into flat ground as we entered the camp. Getting back faster than I would have liked. A small frown lines my lips, "nothing, never mind."

They both look at me in a questioning way but attempt to brush it off. "If you say so."

"Yes, now come with me. I'll take a look at the wound." A light shade of pink reaches the other's face as they both walk to the healing station, the girl close on his heels. It seems the man as well has been affected by the girl. It is a curse. Is she a witch?!

It wouldn't come as a shock, to be honest.

I sat down at a fire pit and lit some wood in the center lazily. I sigh, there must be something wrong with me.

Time passes by slowly as I prepare a meal for the three of us. Everyone in the camp was responsible for themselves when it came to food, so naturally, I would make my own meals.

What was left over of the meat I have left cooks and sizzles on the burning pan. Stupid girl, she should have let me kill the damn thing. It wouldn't have given us much but it would have been better than nothing. The poor thing will starve at this rate. And I'm not talking about the stupid deer.

We haven't known each other for long but I've taken notice of her popping collarbone and slim wrists. She tired easily and her skin is pale. The girl needs nutrition. And as long as she stays with us I plan to deliver on this.

I don't think I've ever cared about anyone else's health in the same way, me and Patroclus have always been the biggest worry. The only thing occupying my thoughts and mind. But now her face fills the corners of my mind along with her laugh and teasing words.

As I'm deep in thought I feel a tap on my shoulder and see a figure sit beside me. "Heey!" Speak of the devil.

"Hello. I'm making our mid-day meal. You should eat, considering you slept in later and skipped the morning meal." I don't look at her as my hands dig through a crate containing fruit and bread.

When they wrap around a hand-sized loaf I place it in the girl's curious hands. "Thank you?"

I roll my eyes, "Try not to sound so shocked."

"I'm not, you're just being nice. It's weird." She laughed at her own words and took a small bite of the bread.

I try to give her meat but she refuses, leaving me to shake my head as I eat it instead.

I look over to her after a few minutes of silence. Our silence isn't the kind that needs to be filled. Rather the type where you can just breathe without the pressure of having to come up with a topic of interest.

"Here, have another one." I toss her a piece of bread seeing she finished her original one. We had a lot to spare because all anyone in the camp ever eats is meat.

She stares at it in her hands, contemplating. What the hell is there to contemplate? Food is food, you eat till gone and that's it. She hands it back to me, "Nah I'm not hungry anymore."

I sigh turning the bread over and over in my hand, "You sure? You didn't even eat that much today."

"I told you I'm fine..." There was uncertainty in her voice this time that didn't go unnoticed.

"You should eat more ya know. You're all skin and bones. It wouldn't hurt to fatten you up."I speak with a plain tone, not wanting to sound mean or like I care too much. I probably do care more than I should, but I can't help the worry bubbling up inside my head and heart. I just want to make sure she's eating, is that so wrong?

"Is that an insult?! Uncalled for, you know ladies don't like when people point out their weight." She says it in a huff and a matter-of-fact tone.

"I know, I'm not an asshole. I'm not talking about all that ladylike and manners shit. I mean, you look ill. Like you haven't eaten in a while. I'm worried...about your health." I don't meet her eyes as I pick at the food in front of me keeping my hands busy.

Why does she make me nervous? The only other person who can make me fidget and feel such unease is currently sleeping. And I had a feeling if he was here he wouldn't be the kindest about how anxious I've become when I'm with her.

I sneak a glance at her, when I do I don't expect her eyes to be on mine. We hold each other's gaze, like two magnets as we don't stray from each other's eyes. I find it to be out of the ordinary for her, she never holds eye contact for long. I've come to learn she refuses to look people in the eyes. The reasoning behind this has me curious but I know better than to pry.

I can't scare away the gentle butterfly that has flown so readily into my palm.

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