Freshening Up

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~It's fascinating to read books of love, whether it's sensual, agape or eros, or something completely other. Because as you read you understand or get a peak into what the author thinks, how the author can feel and interpret all these different kinds of love. It shows that not everyone will view it the same, some express it to its fullest, while for others it's nothing more than a chore.~


Y/n's Pov:

These fucking bitches. This fed-ex man, man whore, and absolute sun meme have the audacity to look at me as if I'm the weirdo in the room?

I back away from Hera's grasp, I look her in the eyes and blink a few times. "Yeah, it's a bit, chaotic..." My voice is small, not wanting to upset the two beside me. But Zeus, let him get offended, he can kiss my ass. Not literally. He probably would if he got the chance. I cringe at the thought.

She clasps her hands in front of her pink lips and gives a happy hum, "That's what I thought!

Hera takes hold of my hand, "Let's go, sweetie, not another minute to waste!"

My eyes don't linger on the men beside me who seem to stare in disbelief. They don't speak up, Apollos lips in a thin line and Hermes stands with an amused look on his face. Zeus doesn't even utter a word and lets his wife lead me out of the room. And Hestia mines well not be in the room for lack of reaction.

I don't mind as she pulls me out of the room, she opens the golden doors I couldn't manage with ease. I let her pull me away, a small smile on my lips. Things have happened so fast. It's hard to believe this has all just happened in under twenty-four hours. It feels like seconds ago I was lying in my bed resting in my rotting apartment.

It's odd, to think I've now met all these gods and goddesses in such a short time. In some ways, I wish and hope this is all just a fever dream, though, in another way, I hope this might be real.

Not a lot of good things find their way to me. I'm aware it might sound bratty or selfish, but it's the truth. I'm used to people snapping at me, telling me to shut up, and that my input is unwanted. I grew used to the yelling voices induced by booze, to the back of hands hitting my face. So, he treated me with such kindness in a short time frame. It feels like a blessing of the sort.

I know that it wouldn't be obvious to these people, considering all I've ever given them is attitude and acted indifferent toward their statuses. But they don't need to know how shattered my heart is, the hollow dark thoughts that fill my mind. All they need to know is that I'm a witty girl who doesn't take shit from anyone. That, and nothing more.

Her heels click on the floor, "don't worry, I'll freshen you up. You reek of dirty."

My ears burn, "O-oh. Yeah sorry, that's what I get for taking a nap in the bush and sitting on the floor." I smiled sheepishly as her figure walked in front of me, dragging me along with her long strides.

"You're an amusing mortal. It's no wonder all those grubby men wanted to get their hands on you. They looked like they would eat you alive if they could, like you were the last stake and they were starving lions. Truly disgusting." Her nose crinkles as she speaks with venom.

"Weird. I never received that type of attention so I don't think I could have told if I'm being honest." She feels safe, her presence comforting. Like a mother talking to her daughter. I think I like it, maybe that's why I don't feel the need to have snarky remarks with the women.

"Truthfully? Well, that baffles me, never mind that now. Be sure to watch yourself, you wouldn't want anything bad to happen to yourself now would you?"

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