Annoying Bitches

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~My mind has never been so willing to make something mine. Never have I ever wanted to touch and embrace someone as much as I wish to do to you. To trace your skin and all its secrets, letting every single feature be engraved into my heart. You're the only one who has made me feel such a thing with a flaming desire.~


Y/n's pov:

These hoe's. Ok...Why the fuck are you missing me?! It's unnatural and disgusting.

Mid mental breakdown I was not expecting to see Apollo and Artemis. Well, maybe I should have expected to see Artemis sooner. But Apollo?! It's random as hell. Though I'd be lying if I'm saying he never crossed my mind. Even if I act indifferent toward him I still can grasp the concept that he is a god that I met. I'm not a child. And it's not very often that they take an interest in mortals, so the biggest question lingers in the air. What the hell makes me special enough to cling to and notice?

The only noticeable thing is that I made it to the unreachable place, Olympus, without aid. I'm still baffled and very lost at this. The whole concept of me being here just feels unthinkable and if I were to speak of my concerns I'd be thrown in the crazy bin. Although enough has happened, hours have passed and I've felt pain and warmth being here. This solidifies the fact, at least in my head, that I am here in Ancient Greece and I have been on Olympus.

I watched as he stuck his hand out but I only bit my lip. Hell.

I've just started to get comfortable and appreciate where I am. I should have known better, of course, things would be ruined and changed. Nothing ever stayed good for long as usual. Okay, think.

I get to go home. Home. Do I want to go home? No. Fuck no. But I can't stay here when I've already tried to make a life for myself out there. I can't stand having no internet, to be honest, not being able to check my phone or the time has been killing me. Having food that's easy to get despite me not having much of it. Yeah, I do need to go back.

When I get back, I'm going to live life to the fullest. I'll still work, and harder than before. I'll improve my way of living. If I've learned anything from being here is that I'm stronger than I thought. I've been thrown into a random period, didn't hold my words in front of gods, and faced a man who wanted to do god knows what to me. It's pretty safe to say I've grown from this little experience. I'll do better, be better when I get back home.

And the only way home. The only option presented to me that will help me get home, means having to go with them.

I'm sorry, Achilles and Patroclus. But I'm going to have to leave you two. I have to try, I have to try and be better and prove to myself that I'm not as weak as he told me I was.

I sigh and let my eyes wander to his as he looks at me expectantly. "Okay...I'll go." My words are grumbled and more hushed than I hoped for them to be.

The god gets cocky and smirks with a devilish smile, "What was that?"

"I said I'd go with you damn it! I accept your little deal. But two months, that's it."

"Of course." He laughs as I take his hand stepping closer to him. His hand encases my own as he yanks me closer to him, letting my feet slide on the dirt as my chest is made to touch his. Our faces are close as he speaks, "Nothing less, and nothing more."

My eyes lock on his as I feel compelled to stare back. His eyes are blue, shimmering like the ocean as the light bounces off its surface. And like the sea, his eyes seem endless as they appear to be a maze. I can feel his breath fan on my face as he smiles, chills rush through my spine. The seconds take an eternity as I still feel his hand hold onto mine with a firm grip.

Artemis put a hand on both our faces and shoved us apart. "Enough. Apollo, not right now."

I clear my throat as I back away. I do admit I slightly appreciate the distance, my ears were burning and the separation gave me room to cool down thankfully. Though I also have to say, I didn't necessarily not like it.

The man gives a soft sound of amusement, his hand never parting from mine despite the distance between the two of us. What gives! Like... let's go already? Please? I'm being too aware, aren't I? Okay, stop being awkward y/n for like two seconds.

Though it must not be what I want considering not a word leaves my lips. I think maybe I like having another person's warmth touch me. Feel my skin against another's. It's endearing, touch isn't something that happens often to me. At least not touch that feels warm and bright. Not like how Apollo's hand feels in mine.

Nope. No. I am not touch starved. I just, don't talk with people much. Maybe that's why I've been acting weird lately. Yeah, that has to be it.

He gives a curt bow. "As you wish my dear sister," he speaks with a mock sincerity. She rolls her eyes.

She speaks up after the whole scene and acts as if it didn't happen. Maybe it just lasted longer in my head. "Let's go y/n. Not a moment to waste."

"Wait now?! Hold on! Let me say goodbye to the guys and explain-"

Everything fades as the last thing I see is Apollo's grin, and his grip on my hand tightens. The darkness coats meal around like a thick blanket, even as I blink and rub my eyes they seem to never adjust. Like I was in a pitch-black room, till a light was randomly shone then everything turned pure white.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter! The next one will be longer, promise!

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