Brightest Smile

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~Darling, love, sweetheart, no matter how many pet names there may be. Your name will always be the one to sound the most lovely. The one to roll off the tongue so easily, the one that gives me goosebumps and makes my heart beat faster.~


Nobody's pov:

The girl is quick on her feet as she exits the lovely garden.

While the goddess believed nobody would mind being stuck there she was sorely mistaken. This was proven by the will of the girl named y/n who was desperate to leave.

I just spoke with a goddess. The girl's mind swam with her interaction with Hestia. You never dreamed you would get to, these were the types of things that took place only in a miracle. The last thing this is is some blessing.

She was beautiful, very. But that's beside the point.

The question on her tongue was why Hestia hadn't stricken her down or put her through some test. Don't these gods always have something up their sleeve!? Why was she being disturbing.

Maybe she was some goddess of kindness or some shit. As soon as she got home she would find out more, her head was already crawling with questions by the dozen.

As she walked her feet crushed the dewy grass. She wore no shoes so the moist dirt stuck to her feet, though this is the least of her worries at the moment.

Ok, so this is reality. It's like I've just appeared somewhere else. You dimwit you should have asked her for the year.

As her mind races the girl's feet don't slow down for a moment. While a million thoughts raced in her mind one stood out more than most. Escape.

She couldn't get this odd feeling of something ominous, like a presence surrounded and engulfed her. It was eerie with how quiet the garden was. Not a single bird could be heard or rustling from an animal. Being far away from this spot and whatever this feeling is felt like the best course of action.

Unknown to her, the goddess watched her every move without batting an eye.  Hestia wasted no time when she committed mentally that she would stick by y/n. A newfound desire stirred inside of her, and for it, she didn't care if she had to step on a few people. Or perhaps her family if she must.

When Hestia thought of y/n she felt a sudden rush of bravery flow through her. It was an unfamiliar feeling but one she didn't hate nonetheless.

Y/n's pov:


Just when the maze was beginning to feel hopeless you found yourself under a stone arch that led to a clearing with real floors.

You lean against the archways, eventually slumping on them. However, this then turned into you just full-on sitting on the floor out of pure exhaustion. Geez when she said right there I thought she meant literally right there.

My chest heaves up and down, my eyes roaming my new surroundings. Everything beyond the archway from where I sit is extravagant.

There are pillars made of marble and carvings made of polished stone. Gold accents the walls and details. The etching and the way things are built remind you of the many things you've read about or seen in Ancient Greek paintings.

It's beautiful. Without fault. That was exactly why you disliked it. It was perfect, perfection was something you despised. It reminded you too much of what was expected of you. Perfection and nothing less. A shaky breath leaves my lips.

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