Little Flower

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~Whenever together or apart we always manage to drift together. Being so close our breaths and minds align. To the point where I'll feel an ache without you. Or maybe that's just our heart. We may be so attuned to each other, that they will not beat without the other.~


Y/n's Pov:

Well, the opportunity to help presented itself. I couldn't help not offering. Also, I'm happy to help! I'm useless here (not in a self-pitying way. I just honestly don't pitch in). And besides, doing this will keep me busy.

I can't just keep hanging out with the gods all day for fun. I need to help out!

Though—I should've asked for more directions. Where the hell even is she? Will I have to wander till I find her? Hera said she took me to where she is, but things are rarely that easy.

I held the package close to my side, and all I see is white. A loud ringing renders me deaf, my head spins causing a small sway in my feet.

How pleasant. How long till I get used to that?!

When my vision comes back into focus, I come to learn I'm outside. I hear cheering, happy voices, and shouting.

The sky is a deep blue, bright and cloudless, the sun high in the sky. I'm in an alleyway, surrounded by two walls, the floors dirt. I began to walk through the alleyway, but before I could get far I was yanked back.

I yelped, and in an instant, my mind raced with all the things Ares taught me. What should I do?! Right, don't turn your back on an enemy! 

Oh god, I'm not prepared to fight—I'll likely die, well, I knew this would happen. Who was I to hang out with the gods?! Karma caught up to me. Goodbye cruel world, and-

I come face to face with my enemy?

Only I don't think she's my enemy. Not from how happy she looks. I didn't know it was possible to grin that wide.

A high voice said, "Hello!".

"Um, hello?" My voice is meek, the sound shaky.

Once facing the one who yanked me back, I realize it's Aphrodite. I couldn't tell this from her appearance. Obviously.

I will my heart to relax, shouting in my mind that I will not be dying today. That it's just the goddess, not danger.

I took a deep intake of breath.

Turns out it was that easy to find her. Or rather, she found me.

She's far from looking like her usual self. I've only seen her twice, and those times seems to be ages ago. But still, I can recognize that she doesn't look like her usual self.

Her curly blond hair is now a different shade, it's a fiery red. Her skin is a darker shade as well, the russet color practically glowing. The only thing that hasn't changed is her sage green eyes. This is the only way I can tell it's her.

Well, that—and the air around her. It's demanding, pulling you in and making you just want to look at her.

Her pink lips are pulled back into a wide smile, revealing a whole set of pearly white teeth. She spoke, "Oh dear. We never formally introduced ourselves did we?"

"No, I don't think we did." I smiled back at her, though I doubt mine was as shiny as hers.

"We must change that then!" She stuck her hand out whilst almost shouting out, "Aphrodite, pleasant to meet you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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