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~Slow down, we're in no rush. Don't speed up the kiss let it happen one feel at a time. Don't think in that pretty little mind of yours, surrender your thought to my gentle touch. Loosen your grip, falter, unravel for all I fucking care. I'd love to see you just relax baby, undue that bun and come with me. Let's take this wonderful love one step at a time.~


Y/n's pov:

 After what happened last night I've felt tense. Thoughts sat densely in my head, not negative ones, though not positive ones either.

I sit up in bed and rub my eyes. Olive moves with me, stretching out her paws she yawns. She was happy to see me yesterday after I left her for the whole day. (Her food was everywhere, that was fun to clean, especially when all I wanted to do was collapse and sleep)

The black cat crawled into my lap, I ran my fingers through her hair. She was soft, kind and gentle. Not what you'd exactly expect from a cat of her origin. Since that's her personality, that begs the question of why she was hissing at Lilly.

The sun wasn't very high, I'd say it was about six or seven in the morning. The air in the room was cold and stale, my breath creating puffs in the air.

I gently pull Olive off of me, her claws dug into me in resistance. My legs swing off the bed as I head to the dresser. Goosebumps formed on my skin.

Hera was drastic in her search last night. She searched everywhere at the festivals, every nook and cranny. And me and Dionysus were helping her with the task. After what felt like forever, people began to go inside their homes. Deciding to cease the searching, Hera said we should go back to Olympus.

When we got back it was in the main hallway. Guess who was there pacing around the palace?

Hera just hugged her, said she was worried, and then suggested we all call it a night.
And that was that.

I wish it was that simple. The day had a lot to unpack.

Okay maybe not a lot, but there were still some key details there.

For one thing, I almost kissed Dionysus. That was...exciting? Memorable? He didn't bring it up as we were searching for Athena. Dionysus was acting like it hadn't even happened actually, so I did the same and never brought it up.

Nevertheless we still almost kissed. No matter how I spun it, it felt controversial in my mind.

I'm only a human. And it goes without saying, I've been entranced by so many people lately. Is it wrong to fawn over so many, to enjoy it all to such a lofty extent? This influx of attention. It's nice and I love it.

Somehow, I feel like it's more than simple attention. I may be lacking in social cues, though I do have common sense. I can feel their eyes on me. The gods and goddesses always seem to be looking my way. I'm not trying to be cocky, I'm calling it as I see it.

This is a good and bad thing. It's a good thing that I'm being noticed. On the other hand, it's bad because I get used to so many gazes. That's likely why I feel so alone when in an isolated room. In this short time, I've grown used to constantly being accompanied. Meaning that when I'm not, it's odd.

The attention they give me is something different. How exactly it's different, I can't put my finger on it. Yeah, I have common sense, but these people—gods—whatever, are mysterious in a way I can't figure out.

There also remains the question of why Athena would disappear from Hera. If all she was doing was returning to Olympus, it shouldn't have been that big of a deal to tell Hera.

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