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~Crazy you are, a lunatic I am. You didn't scare me away with your idiotic ideas, I encouraged them and did them with you. Whenever we made a reckless decision it wasn't without the other's support. When others said we'll rot in hell baby we said we might as well do it together. Every second we spend together is an adventure, legal or not, I'm happy to be by your side.~


Y/n's Pov:

I tried. I did! What more could you want from me?!

I was polite, I smiled and listened to every single word she said. My posture was slack as I sat down, my eyes were vacant watching the race. It wasn't even just me forcing myself to be polite either, I genuinely thought we could start on good footing. Put that short spat behind us because it was meaningless.

But nooooo.

what do I even do? Can I even do anything?

My fingers move to rub my eyelids, a soft groan escaping me. Ever since I've arrived she's been off. Not rude or hussy just—off. Geez. Should I even try to fix things? Communication is a two-way street, and someone has to take the first step down that path. Maybe it should be me. The question is if it's even worth bothering over.

I let my eyes wander to Hera, she seemed worried a moment ago, but that seemed to have disappeared as she soaked in the chariot race. My eyes rerun to the front of me. I try and straighten my posture and relax, though something tells me my shoulders look stiff.

I feel something poke the back of my head.

My head turns around slowly, a small smile is laid on my lips seeing who exactly it was.

His legs were sprawled out, his elbows resting on his knees as he leaned closer to me. A devilish smirk was on his face when he uttered, "Hi princess."

"HI Dionysus, what are you doing here?" His grin was infectious, I found a genuine curl spreading across my lips. My body turned to face him, Hera was oblivious to the conversation as she was in a trance.

He looks at me incredulously, 'Watching the race of course! But a certain moping girl caught my attention." The grin he wore flickered for a second into something else. "Don't let her demeanor get to you. She's not very kind to anyone anyways."

A pink found its way to my cheeks. "You saw that?"

"Every second of it. You didn't do anything wrong, you were just being you." A warmth spread in his eyes when he spoke those final words, something felt hotter inside of me.

I scoffed, ignoring the feeling. "Well, apparently she doesn't like me."

His blue, almost purple eyes looked into mine, searching. "As I said, she's not fond of anyone. Except for Zeus that is. Still, don't feel obligated to make nice with her."

I looked at him, he talked and acted sincerely. Maybe I should just take his word for it and let it be. He's right, in no way am I required to play nice with her. But what about the first thing on my checklist? Seek out others. If I don't try and reach out to her I'll never know what could have been built between us.

Then again, that rule could not apply to her. If she doesn't like me, I shouldn't force myself onto her and make her uncomfortable.

At this rate; I can't tell if it's complicated or if I'm overcomplicating it. Likely the latter.

"I guess your right." I knew he was right. However, there was still a part of me that felt like I could have done more.

His hand moves nearer to me, he rests his hand on my head and scruffs up my so carefully done hair. Mini fireworks went off in my mind from the touch. I don't know why, but it felt strangely nice "You have this look on your face. You're thinking hard about something. I'd advise you not to. Today is about the festival, having fun. Loosen up.

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