Chapter 13 *EDITED*

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Whoever lied and said packing is easy needs a reality check.

Lord Third granted us a week to get everything in order since he knew how stressful moving can be.

When I lifted my fourth box and my backpack together, I nearly stumbled because of how heavy they were. When we got to the new house, I definitely needed to downsize and get rid of stuff that wasn't needed.

"Hana, I hope you don't mind, but I called for Kakashi, Rin, and Obito to help us move since we need to be out of the house today," Uncle Minato said as I brought my boxes into the living room. The living room was out of order, with boxes everywhere and furniture piled.

I nearly dropped my box when he said that.

Kakashi, I didn't mind, but Rin and Obito?

I sighed a bit and had to put a fake smile on my face. "That's fine, we need the help anyway,"

As I put my box and backpack down, I turned around to return to my room to get the rest of my items. What he said stopped me in my tracks.

"I know you and Obito haven't been on the best of terms lately, but just try to put that aside for today at least,"

I had no response to that.

Sometimes, I hated how perceptive he was. But that's what made him a great ninja.

I silently went back to my room and started boxing the last items. I heard an unfamiliar voice talking in the living room. I raised an eyebrow and went to see who it was. There was a tall man with bushy white hair tied back into a ponytail that stopped at his knees. He wore a green kimono with matching pants and a red haori with two yellow circles on the sides. He also had red lines going down on both cheeks.

I looked at him with confusion as he laughed with Uncle Minato.

"Wow, you didn't tell me you guys had a daughter already, Minato," He chuckled. "I'm offended that I wasn't invited to meet her sooner, as the self-proclaimed godfather,"

Uncle Minato maintained his smile, "Sorry about that, Master Jiraiya. This is my niece, Hana,"

"Hello, I'm Jiraiya, the Great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku," He greeted cheerfully. "Do not refer to me as grandpa, please. I'm not that old. Think of me as your cool Uncle or something,"

Why was the name familiar?

"I already have one, technically," I laughed. "So you can be the cool grandpa, Toad Sage,"

His face fell at my response, and he just laughed it off. "Well, she's definitely got Kushina's sharp tongue,"

Uncle Minato told me he'd known Jiraiya since he was my age and that Jiraiya was his sensei when he was in a three-man squad. Jiraiya became his father figure during those times. I also gave Jiraiya a short background on me but left the more traumatizing parts. Uncle Minato also told me that Jiraiya came by to say hi since he just returned from a long mission.

I just said that I didn't know my parents. Technically, it's not a lie.

Aunt Kushina came out of her room and greeted Jiraiya politely.

"Looking beautiful as ever, Kushina!"

She smiled warmly at him and thanked him but quickly called me over to help her. When I followed her, she already had everything packed, so what did she need help with?

She gave me a stern look.

"Master Jiraiya is a great guy, but now that you've finally met him, be careful about taking his advice about dating and all that," She said. "And don't read any books of his,"

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now