Chapter 57

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Since this story is ending soon, the chapters are going to be longer. I'm trying to get them at least 2000-3000 words.


I was being woken up by Minato, who was trying to gently shake me awake. "F..Five more minutes," 

I sleepily turned over and pulled the blanket over me.

"Hana, you have to get that Eight-Tails out of you today," Minato sighed.

I pulled the blanket over my face. "Obito is here."

Now that woke me up instantly. I shot up awake and fixed my hair. "He is?"

Minato smirked and then started laughing. "No, I just couldn't wake you up."

I shook my head and ushered him out of my room so I could get dressed. Minato was laughing at how I reacted and I quickly got dressed and went to the bathroom to continue getting ready. After I was done, I walked out and I saw a new picture that was hung up on the living room wall.

A smile spread on my face. It was the picture of Minato, Kushina, and I at the Valley of End. I wondered what they did with the other pictures, but I didn't ask.

I walked to the kitchen and started making instant ramen and poured me a glass of milk. I knew how to cook other things of course, but this was just quicker.

"Hana, that's not a proper meal," Kushina sighed.

"But I need to hurry so I'm not late when Jiraiya comes," I replied.

I grabbed my instant ramen and my milk, then walked over to the table. I could smell Kushina cooking some eggs and hashbrowns from here and my mouth started watering at the thought of it.

"You should invite Obito over more often," Minato said. 

"If I get back in time, I will," I said and finished my instant ramen. 

Kushina put a plate of eggs and hashbrowns in front of me and gave me a look. "You're eating this,"

"No, it's okay. I'm not-"

She gave me "the look" and I sweated nervously. "Thank you Aunt Kushina I'll eat it!"

She sat down and Minato laughed quietly. He still looked really stressed out, but I don't understand what it could be. 

There was a knock at the door and Minato stood up to go answer it. I saw Jiraiya, who shivered slightly from the cold weather in the mornings and he sat down next to me.

"Are you almost ready?"

"Just let me finish my eggs and I'll be ready,"

I finished my breakfast and rushed to the kitchen to put the dishes in the sink. I walked back out and Kushina stopped us before we left.

"Wait," she said. "Let's take a picture, us four,"

Jiraiya looked confused. "Why?"

"Let's just take it," Kushina insisted and grabbed the camera.

"Uh, okay then," Jiraiya said and Minato walked over to pose with us.

She set up the camera and then rushed back over here. We took about three pictures. The first one was a normal one, the second one was when I was on Jiraiya's back, and the third one was more of a silly picture.

Kushina looked through the photos and gave a thumbs up. "Okay. That's all!"

"Be careful out there." Minato said as Jiraiya and I left the house.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now