Chapter 14 *EDITED*

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The next day, I was waiting for Kakashi to come by so we could go to the cat cafe. Aunt Kushina was grinning at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes as I sat on the couch, reading a book.

"Soo, you're waiting on Kakashi?"

I looked at her, raising one eyebrow, "Yes, he's coming with me to the cat cafe,"

"Sounds like you're getting pretty close to him, Hana," She replied, with an undertone that told me she was implying something else.

My cheeks heated up, "W-We're just friends, that's all. Uncle Minato wanted us to work on our teamwork, so we're just getting to know each other better,"

She continued to tease me, "No need to blush. I was just stating that you two are good friends,"

"Yeah, yeah," I replied dismissively, hiding my face in my book. And no, it wasn't Makeout Tactics.

She laughed and left me alone after that. I heard our doorbell ring and knew that it was Kakashi. I put the book on the bookshelf and stood up to put on my shoes.

"Have fun!" Aunt Kushina called as I slipped my shoes on. I had to hide the shade of pink on my cheeks and closed the door behind me after getting myself together.

Kakashi and I walked to the cat cafe, and I struck up a conversation with him. "Are you more of a cat person? Or dog person?"

"Dog person," He answered. "Cats have never really been my favorite,"

"I like both, but I prefer cats a little more," I replied. "They have little paws. What's to hate about them?"

I entered the cat cafe, which seemed to have been slower today. The employee greeted me as she swept the floors, and my eyes scanned for Yuki. My heart was set on Yuki the day I met her at the grand opening.

Yuki was sleeping peacefully in a cat condo built on the wall, but she heard my voice when the shop owner spoke with me about the adoption process. She meowed and walked over to me.

"That one seems to like you," The shop owner chuckled. "Is she the one you want to adopt?"

I lifted Yuki off the ground and nodded. The owner signed the forms and then told me the basics about what she would need and how her shots were up to date. I was also handed a cardboard carrier, but Yuki seemed content enough with me holding her. Yuki sniffed at Kakashi curiously but stayed in my arms as I left the cafe.

Kakashi suggested that we stop by the Inuzuka pet shop on our way to get cat food and other supplies, so we did that. The bell above the door jingled as I pushed it open and as we walked to the cat aisle, I recognized purple hair and a grey mesh shirt with maroon outlines. It was Anko. She heard our footsteps and turned around, greeting us when she saw me.

"Hi, Hana!" Her eyes quickly averted to Kakashi and back at me, raising an eyebrow. "And Kakashi,"

"Hi, Anko. What are you up to?" I greeted back.

Anko was holding bags of frozen snake food. "Just here running an errand for my sensei. And what are you two doing?"

She had an undertone that meant she was trying to imply something else.

My cheeks flushed slightly, and Kakashi stiffened next to me.

"I got a new cat, and I was getting food and supplies for her. Kakashi and I are just hanging out, that is all," I retorted quickly. The corner of Anko's lips raised into a sly smirk, and I could tell she didn't believe me.

"I see, so you're already at that stage,"

"Anko!" I hissed, starting to blush even worse.

What made all of this worse was that Kakashi was quiet. I glanced at him, unable to tell what he was thinking since his mask mostly obscured his facial expressions. I turned my head back to face Anko, and she snickered as I sputtered out that it was just us hanging out and nothing more.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now