Chapter 64

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"Itachi?" I called.

I continued to look around and I ended up falling into a ditch that was deep in the ground. Today just wasn't my day.

"How can I be so stupid?" I hissed in pain, rubbing my aching shoulder. This ditch was impossible to get out of, considering it was a dried up mudslide.

"Itachi? Naomi? Ebisu?"

"Looks like you've fallen in that ditch," Someone said.

I quickly looked around, thinking it was the person from earlier, but then I saw a boy with silver hair and round glasses.

"No, really?" I replied sarcastically and reached for a kunai.

"If I had some snakes on me, I think I'd be able to pull you out, but there is another way I can think of," He said.

"I'm assuming you're my enemy, so why are you trying to help me? What's the catch?"

"No catch, I just have nothing else to do while I wait on my leader to finish his business," He said as his shadow loomed over me. I could hear a hint of maliciousness in his voice.

"Who are you?"

"No one important that you need to know," He said. "But I have a vine here that can get you out. I'll hold it and you can climb,"

He lowered a vine in front of me and held it.

I hesitantly took the vine and tugged on it to see if it was safe.

"Well? Are you going to climb?" The boy asked.

"Yes, I was just making sure it was safe,"

I took a deep breath and grabbed onto it, starting to climb.

He noticed that I started hesitating and looking down. I didn't want the vine to break on me since this was a long fall.

"Don't look down or we'll be stuck here all day,"

"But what if it snaps and makes me fall?"

He sighed. "I doubt it. Just keep climbing,"

I did what he said and I was almost out of the ditch. I suddenly heard the snap and felt myself falling back.

"Damnit!" I shouted.

I felt my head smack against something and painfully groaned. I felt dazed and lied there, feeling like I was going to blackout.

I saw a black flash and felt myself being lifted up. I couldn't tell who it was since I was out of it and heard them mutter.

"Already making me worry."

That was all I could make out.

After that, I was gently placed on the ground and lied there for what felt like hours. I snapped out of my daze when I heard talking.

I looked around, feeling a horrible pounding feeling in my head.

"The hell just happened?"

Itachi was sitting next to me. "What happened?"

"I remember falling into a hole and some boy tried to help, but the vine snapped and I hit my head. Then I remember someone lifting me up and helping me. Was that you?" I ask.

Itachi shook his head. "No, I found you lying here and I immediately checked for any wounds. Are you okay?"

"I think so, just a headache," I replied.

Who helped me? What did they mean 'already making me worry'?

Now this was going to be on my mind all day.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now