Chapter 34

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I looked around and Jiraiya was nowhere to be found. I walked around the crowded areas of this part of the village and I was about to give up and go back to the Inn, but then I heard yelling not too far away.

"What do you think you're doing? Disgusting old man!"

"Wait, I can explain-!"

Then there was an audible slap.

I walked over to where I heard the yelling and was dumbfounded to see Jiraiya with a red handprint on his face while trying to reach out to a woman who looked like she's in her early twenties. Her cheeks were flushed and she was angrily storming off.

"Wait! You have a nice b-I mean, face!" He shouted after her.

I sweat dropped. Who would've thought that this guy was a pervert. Now I can see why his female teammate hit him and broke six of his ribs.

"Jiraiya-Sensei?" I ask, sweat-dropping.

"Even at this age, the women are no friendlier" He muttered to himself.

He didn't hear me, so I walked in front of him and startled him.

He jumped and then looked at me. "What?"

"Can we please get back to my training?"

He huffed. "I haven't been able to get any research done at all, kid. We can do your training tomorrow!"

He continued walking and I rose an eyebrow.

"Research?" I ask in disgust. "More like acting perverted towards women!"

I turned around, embarrassed. "Hana-"

"Who would've thought the Sannin I idolize is also a pervert," I said again. "I ought to call you Peverted-Sensei now,"

After I had said that, all of the women left the cafe because they didn't want to be around him. He looked irritated now.

"Shut it Squirt!" He hissed. "Don't call me that in public!"

"What? A pervert?"


"Or Perverted-Sensei?"

He put a hand over my mouth, shushing me. I just rolled my eyes and he looked around nervously at all the men in the cafe who were glaring at him.

"Uh..don't believe what this little squirt has to say, you know kids," He chuckled nervously.

"I'm not a kid, Perverted-Sensei!" I shouted. However, because his hands were over my mouth it came out as "mmmph, mmph!"

We walked out of the cafe and he finally took his hand off my mouth. "See what happens when you interfere with my research?"

A tickmark was now visible on my forehead. "You call that research? That woman slapped you and she was like twenty! I never would've guessed that the Legendary Toad Sage was a little pervert," I retort.

"I'm not a little one!" He shouted. "I'm a BIG one!"

"Oh," I sighed. "Like that makes it any better,"

Another woman walked by. She had a noticeably large chest and had full, rounded lips. He stared at her with that look on his face he had earlier and ran up to her, trying to hit on her. They started talking and I was now a bit annoyed.

It's like my training has completely slipped from his mind.

I walked up to them, with my arms crossed. "Perverted-Sensei, can we just get back with my training?"

"Did she just call you a pervert?" The woman asked with bewilderment.

He grunted in annoyance and leaned down to my height.

"Didn't I just tell you NOT to call me that?" He whisper-shouted at me. He looked back up at the woman, nervously rubbing the back of his head.

"Uh, no, she didn't. You know how kids are," He laughed nervously.

"That line doesn't even work here, Perverted-Sensei," I huffed.

The woman just smiled uncomfortably at the both of us. "I have to go."

"Wait! Beautiful lady?!" He shouted after her. When she showed no signs of turning back, he turned back to me.

"How am I supposed to do my research now for my book? You keep ruining it, even when I tell you not to call me that,"

"It's not my fault you're a pervert," I shrugged, smirking a little.

"Hush! Do you even realize how hard it is just to finish one chapter? I just need a woman whose big-" He motioned his hands over his chest. "Then has the full lips and a curvy body."

I rolled my eyes. "If I help you find a woman that fits your description for your perverted research, will you teach me some new water ninjutsu?"

A perverted smile started falling on his face. "Deal,"

I started walking and turned around. "And one last thing,"


"You have to give me a copy of that novel once you're done," I smirk, seeing the shocked look on his face. "Because I...enjoy the storyline,"

He rose an eyebrow and looked at me as if he didn't believe the last bit of my sentence. "Alright, fine, we have a deal then,"

With that, I took off to find some lady so I could go back to training. I checked everywhere. The cafes, restaurants, stands, and even back in the Inn. Most of these women either didn't fit his description or they were too shallow to help me.

Two hours had passed and I still haven't found a woman. "Ugh, how do I even get myself into these situations?"

I bumped into a lady and looked up to apologize. Her beauty took me by surprise and she fit Jiraiya's description. Huge in the chest, curvy, and she even had full pink lips. She had blonde hair that went to her mid back and she had chestnut brown eyes.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Oh, it's okay," She answered.

I decided I would ask her for help.

"Hey, um," I started. "Can you actually help me with something?"

"What is it?"

I knew I had to twist my words around or she wouldn't help at all.

"My friend is having an issue at the moment and he's being stubborn about it. Do you think you can help me out?" I ask.

She nodded and I sigh with relief. "Okay, sure. I guess I have some time to help,"

"Thank you so much, you don't understand how much I appreciate this," I said and started leading her to the training ground.

"Jiraiya-Sensei!" I called, trying my hardest to avoid the word "pervert" around her.

He looked up from his papers and his eyes widened. I knew I had done a good job.

"I found someone!"

He stared at this woman with shock. He was quiet and neither of the two said a word.

"Hey, aren't you going to do your research now? I really want to get back to training," I ask, waving a hand in his face.

He stayed silent still. "Come on! This was the only woman I could find who was willing to help with your perverted research!" I said.

Now, the woman started running towards him and I grimaced. She was angry now and her level of anger had scared me.

"Damnit, Jiraiya!" The woman sent him flying backward with one punch.

I sweat-dropped seeing this. I guess she doesn't want to help?

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now