Chapter 35

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I stared in astonishment and bewilderment at this scene. I think this is the woman that he told me about earlier judging by that punch...

"Research?" She shouted. "So now you're dragging kids into your perverted research?!"

"I uh...I was just kidding!" He replied to her frantically.

"Kidding? Let's see how-"

"Uh, excuse me, lady," I said loudly, getting her attention. "Please don't kill my teacher, I kind of need him to train,"

She stopped and let Jiraiya go from her grip. He fell to the ground and regained posture quickly and she narrowed her eyes at him. 

"There'd better be an explanation for this, Jiraiya. I didn't take my time from gambling for nothing," She hissed.

"You see, this is Minato's niece," He said. "I'm training her for the Chunin Exams,

She didn't look angry anymore and looked over at me with surprise. "Your student?"

I nodded.

"Yup," I grinned. "I'm Hana Uzumaki, the future Hokage!"

She looked a little taken aback by my statement. "Well, I'm Tsunade. I believe we met at the hospital about your friend,"

I recognized her. "Oh, yeah I remember,"

"And Hokage? At your age?" She asked with disbelief.

"Not now of course," I explained. "When I'm older I'll be stronger and I can become Hokage then!"

She nodded and still looked as if she was surprised.

"Hey, Perverted-Sensei?" I looked over at Jiraiya. His face twitched in irritation at the nickname I just called him. "This your teammate that broke six of your ribs?"

Tsunade snickered at the nickname I gave him.

"Hush, kid!" Jiraiya put his hand over my mouth again. "And yes, this is the one and only Tsunade,"

"I can confirm that I had broken six of his ribs," Tsunade smirked. "And what are you going to teach her, Jiraiya?"

"After she improves her rasengan, I'm going to teach her some water ninjutsu," Jiraiya said.

"Rasengan?" Tsunade asked. "You learned the rasengan?"

I smirked confidently. "Yup, Uncle Minato taught me how!"

Jiraiya was smiling in amusement at my attitude.

"And then Perverted-Sensei helped me understand the final step, so now I'm on track to becoming Hokage,"

His smile dropped after I had called him his favorite nickname.

"Will you stop calling me that?!" He exclaimed.

Tsunade smirked at him. "I think that's a rather fitting nickname for you, Jiraiya,"

He just grunted.

Tsunade then smiled at me. "I like you. If you need any help with this fool, let me know and I'll get him to snap out of his perverted antics,"

"Hey!" Jiraiya sweat-dropped.

I laughed. "I will,"

"I have to go now. See you two around." Tsunade left and Jiraiya seemed a little sad when he saw her go.

"Hey Sensei?" I ask, and he looked at me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, let's get back to your training," He said and we started walking to the training ground that we were at earlier.

"Ready?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Good, we'll start with a lightning style jutsu that I've heard about," He said.

I beamed. This was going to be my first lightning release!

He showed me the signs, "This is called the jolt clamp. It's supposed to turn your chakra into a current and you can grab an enemy in front of you,"

I weaved the signs. "Lightning style, jolt clamp!"

My chakra turned into an electrical current and the currents started to waver as I aimed it at this tree. The currents broke by the time it hit the tree and I sweat-dropped.

"You put too much chakra into it," Jiraiya said. "The currents are supposed to be stable and it'll grab your opponent and shocks them. It can paralyze whatever muscle you had struck temporarily,"

I huffed. 

"You have to be mindful of how much chakra you use because the currents will be unstable because of how much power it is trying to hold,"

I tried again. My currents didn't waver, but it didn't strike as powerful as I hoped.

"Well, that's a start," Jiraiya nodded. "Let's call it a night and eat some dinner. We'll start early in the morning though and use up as much time as we can,"

"Wait, but can't we train for a little longer? I'm not hungry or tired," I ask.

"No Hana. Even the strongest ninjas need to rest. If you keep trying right now, you'll strain your body," He answered.

"But I want to learn a new water ninjutsu!"

"I'll teach you later, let's go."

I huffed and followed him.

We ate at a restaurant and chatted about the Chunin Exams. I was determined to perfect my jolt clamp. This was a start to building the broken pride I had, but Rentaro still manages to break it whenever I remember that day. 

Jiraiya and I finished eating and we went back to the Inn. I waited until he was asleep and I sneaked out the window quietly so I could go back to the training ground to keep trying my jolt clamp until I was happy with it.

"Jolt clamp!"

My current was now weaker and barely did any damage to the tree in front of me.

I groaned and tried again. 

Eventually, I grew tired of trying it and decided to practice my rasengan. I continued to practice until I actually got tired.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now