Chapter 5 *EDITED*

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The next morning, Uncle Minato and I were both getting ready at the same time. Aunt Kushina was already up and making breakfast.

"So, are you going to tell me what this exercise is?" I asked him as I passed by him in the hallway.

"No, that wouldn't be fair if you knew before they did," He replied. "Remember what I said about the special treatment,"

"I know, I know," I replied. "It was just a question,"

We joined Aunt Kushina at the table and she already had our breakfast ready.

We didn't really talk about the training exercise as we ate breakfast. I figured it would be better if we didn't talk about our tasks as a team every single morning.

Uncle Minato left first, saying that he had to make sure everything was ready for us.

Aunt Kushina picked up the dishes once we were all done and I helped her clean the table before leaving.

"I'm leaving now," I said as I put my boots on.

"Okay, have a good day!" She said from the kitchen.

I thought it was weird how Obito wasn't here waiting for me. Usually, he is and we always walked to the academy together.

Unless he wanted to walk with Rin instead. I guess that's fine.

I made my way to the training ground and saw that everyone was already here except for Obito.

"Obito wasn't with you?" Rin asked.

"No," I replied.

"Looks like he's late again," Kakashi rolled his eyes.

"Just give him a few more minutes," Rin said. "He'll be here,"

So we waited, but he still didn't show up and Kakashi was growing even more annoyed by the minute.

Why was he so late?

"Well, if he's not here within five minutes, we'll have to start the test without him," Uncle Minato said.

"He'll be here, I know he will," Rin said again.

"I hope so," I added. "He's almost an hour late,"

"Sorry I'm late!" We heard Obito from the distance and saw he was running up to us with candy in his mouth.

"I told you he'd be here," Rin smiled.

I was surprised that Uncle Minato wasn't mad at him for being late. Kakashi wasn't happy though.

"It's about time you're here," Kakashi crossed his arms. "Was it an old lady again, Obito?"

Obito narrowed his eyes. "For your information, it was! She needed help carrying a bunch of grocery bags!"

"Yeah, sure," Kakashi rolled his eyes.

"Anyway," Uncle Minato cut in. "For this exercise, I wanna see how good you are with teamwork. All you have to do is take these bells from me and practice will be over,"

He held up three bells.

"Simple enough, right?"

"Uh, but there's only three bells. Does that mean...?" I trailed off.

"That is exactly right," He replied.

I instantly felt nervous and Obito looked at all of us, confused.

"Huh? But what does that mean?" Obito asked.

Kakashi glared at him and Obito returned the glare. "One of us won't get a bell and will be off the team,"

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now