Chapter 18

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The girl threw a kunai that was laced with poison at me and I dodged it, then weaved the signs for my raging waves. That slammed her against the wall since she was taken by surprise and now she looked angry.

"I told you that you were just going to make me angry!" She exclaimed and lunged towards me.

She tried to aim a kick at me, but I dodged again.

"Water style, water shurikens!" I exclaimed. The water shurikens hit her and turned back into water after cutting her. She grabbed a sword and slashed my arm. I used the water pellet technique and it made her flinch. 

Something was off. It was as if she was holding back.

"Okay, now you've really made me mad," She said arrogantly. Black marks started covering her face and body. "I'll make you wish you never messed with me!"

I didn't show it, but I was a little nervous now because I had no idea what was going to happen. However, the marks started disappearing and she hissed in pain.

"What the hell? Why isn't it working?!" She yelled.

I watched as her screams of pain became louder and she dropped to the ground. 

I didn't know how to react so I just continued watching.

"Why did it have to fail on me? Especially now of all times!" She asked and stood back up, flinching with pain. She staggered to her feet and swayed a little. "You're lucky because my power isn't working. If it wa working, you would've been dead already!" 

She lunged at me and I caught her fist with my hand.

It hurt and I was worried that she may have broken my hand, because her strength was almost inhuman. 

"Next time you cross me," She spat. "You won't be so lucky! If I wasn't in my weak state, I wouldn't hesitate to kill you!"

I slid my hand down to her wrist and gripped it. A burst of strength went through me and I flipped her onto her back.

"Kill me? You talk way too much. You'd never kill me because you barely left a scratch on me," I smirked.

Okay, maybe I did stretch the truth a little. 

She got angrier and I used the raging waves on her again. She dodged and then weaved a sign for an earth release. It was the stone shuriken. Dirt formed into the shape of a shuriken and she threw them at me. 

Some of them hit my face, but I managed to block a few. 

"Your face would be even prettier if it was covered in your blood," She taunted.

She reminded me of Nozomi, but she wasn't holding a grudge against me. It just seemed like she was power hungry. 

"So what was that about not leaving a scratch on you?" She asked. 

I used the water pellets to make her flinch again. She was right about her being in her weak state. That power she had seemed like it was fueled by hatred or revenge. 

"Water style: Mud wall!" I spat out a ball of mud and it hit her again. She gasped at the impact and yelped again. It wasn't me that made her yelp, so it must've been that power she had. 

"Who the hell are you?" She asked me, wearily. 

I stared at her for a few seconds. "Hana," I said. "Hana Uzumaki."

"I'm Rika and the next time we cross paths, you won't be so lucky. Your victory was just a fluke!" She shouted and passed out. 

I just weaved the signs for the water chains jutsu and it bound around her ankles and wrists so she couldn't go after me in case she woke up.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now