Chapter 15

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It was Anko. She looked genuinely concerned.

"It's nothing, I'm okay,"

I stood back up and apparently, that did not fly well with her. 

"Nothing my ass!" She suddenly tackled me back onto the ground so I couldn't move and that made everyone look. She pinned my arms knowing that I would attempt to push her off.

"You're upset and you're going to tell me what is wrong, Hana," She demanded.

Her newfound strength really surprised me. I heard from others that she's been a bit hyperactive and pushy lately.

"Anko, please stop. You're straddling me and pinning me down. This looks extremely weird to the others that are looking,"

She looked at me sternly. "Ask me if I care. Now tell me what's wrong, Hana."

"Do you care?" I asked out of sarcasm.

She rolled her eyes and I sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you. Just get off me, please,"

She gets up off me and then pulls me up with a strong grip.

"Jeez Anko, your physical strength has really improved,"

She chuckled. "Orochimaru-Sensei taught me well and before you talk, we are going to the dango shop."

I nodded. "Sounds like a plan."

We leave the area to go to the dango shop. It smelled pretty great, plus I just remembered that I am hungry and I left the ramen shop without paying or eating the food. I feel bad.

Anko ordered two plates of dango all for us, on her I guess.

"So, what happened? Why are you upset?" She asks, already munching on the first stick of dango.

So I told her what happened with Obito, the events that led up to our fallout, and how I'm the one who called off our friendship first.

"I see..." Anko trails off, finishing her first stick. I picked up mine and took a bite.


"Hana, I think it's possible that you're crushing on Obito,"

I was taken aback by her statement.


She talks with her hands and right now, she was pointing with the kebab stick.

"Think about it. The reactions you had. That twisting feeling in your chest after you made that final statement. Those are all equivalent to the reactions heartbreak gives you," Anko explained.

"Okay, well, I'm not in love with him,"

"Oh please, don't give me that," Anko rolled her eyes. "Take what I say into consideration because you're constantly pissy when he's paying more attention to Rin instead of you,"

I rolled my eyes, but Kakashi came into mind.

"What about Kakashi?"

"I don't know. What about him?

"I...I..." I don't even know what I was trying to ask.

She quirked an eyebrow.

We finished our dango. She told me about her week and I guess her and Kurenai have been having some problems lately. Kurenai feels that Anko tries to one-up her on everything and Anko feels that Kurenai is just leaving her in the dust for no reason.

I gave her some advice on Kurenai since it is obvious Anko is hurt that she's starting to lose her other best friend.

The morning was over and it had to either be noon or at least one o' clock.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now