Chapter 67

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Months had passed after the night the Nine-Tails attacked. 

I was going to move out of the house because it was painful, but I couldn't let go since this is all I had left of Minato and Kushina. 

I was in the process of moving some of their old furniture out since there's only one person staying here now. Moving their old bed and all of that out is harder than it seems because that means I'd have to finally accept that they're actually gone.

I walked out of my old room and for a second, I could see Kushina at the kitchen and Minato sitting at the dining table, going over paperwork. 

Yeah, part of me can't accept that they're gone. I still feel as if they'll come back one day by some miracle. 

The doorbell rang and I walked over to answer it.

Guy, Naomi, and Mariko were all here.

They gave me looks of sympathy.

"So, you need some help moving some stuff out?" Guy asked.

I nodded. I needed their help since I couldn't do all of it on my own.

Naomi helped me go through some stuff I didn't need while Guy and Mariko lifted the heavy stuff out of the house.

Mariko surprisingly has a lot of strength for how small she is. Even Guy was shocked. 

Everything was now on the porch and I sighed. 

"Are you ready?" Naomi asked.

I nodded.

After this incident, she was nicer to me and we both came to a silent agreement that the rivalry between us was no longer needed.

We took everything to a little shop downtown that resells used items and I was silent the entire time. Guy, Mariko, and Naomi were talking, but I wasn't paying attention so I have no clue what they were talking about.

I don't understand why all of these bad things had to happen to me. First I lose my parents, then I lose Obito, Rin, then Kakashi and I just stopped talking, now I lost my aunt and uncle.

What else was the world going to throw at me? Losing Naruto? I hope not.

To make everything better, Jiraiya just disappeared without a trace, so I don't even have him to talk to. He was my last bit of family too. We may not be related, but I still saw him as the grandfather I never had.

I never met my grandparents on my mother's side and my father kept his parents out of his life.

The four of us dropped off the furniture and then parted ways.

"Hana, wait," 

I turned and Guy was behind me.

"What is it?"

"I know you're in pain, so if you need anything, please don't hesitate to reach out to me," Guy said. "You can even reach out to Kakashi, Naomi, or your other friends,"

"Kakashi?" I rolled my eyes. "He stopped talking to me, so I doubt he cares anyway,"

Guy didn't change his expression. "Kakashi does care,"

I didn't reply and he sighed.

"Don't forget that he's in pain too, Hana," Guy said. "He lost his father, friends, and now his sensei. Maybe he's distancing himself on purpose,"

I shrugged. Guy had a point, but Kakashi didn't bother to reach out to me at all.

Guy gave me a bear hug and let go. 

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now