Chapter 3 *EDITED*

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The next morning, I was already up and getting ready before my alarm clock. I was too nervous today.

I was in the bathroom, trying to tie my hair up and it wasn't cooperating. I groaned in frustration when the hair tie got tangled in with my curls.

"Is everything alright?" Minato asked as he walked by.

"Peachy," I sighed.

He poked his head in the bathroom and saw what I was struggling with. He chuckled and walked over to help me untangle it.

"It's not even fair that I'm the only one in the family with curly hair. I don't even understand where it came from," I huffed.

Uncle Minato didn't reply to that and he was able to get the hair tie out painlessly. He handed it back to me and I thanked him as he went to his bedroom.

I brushed through my curls once again and finally was able to tie up my hair into its signature ponytail. I stared at myself in the mirror, trying to make sure I looked presentable. I quickly started feeling insecure the more and more I stared at my red hair.

I always hated my red hair.

Naomi knew that especially and that's why she calls me "Red". I used to get bullied over my red hair when I was new in the academy.

"Hana, you're gonna be late!" Kushina called from the living room.

I walked out of the bathroom and quickly wolfed down a piece of toast so I wouldn't be late. I looked around, seeing she wasn't in the room, and quickly swigged a drink of milk from the carton in the fridge.

"I thought I told you not to do that," I suddenly heard Kushina's voice behind me.

I sweated nervously and shut the fridge immediately.


She gave me the typical mom look, then walked back to whatever she was doing. I walked over to the front door, slipping my boots on.

"Good luck today," She said, changing her tone once again.

I walked out the front door and saw Kurenai and Anko waiting for me outside. I didn't see Obito though.

"Ready?" Kurenai asked.

I nodded and the three of us started walking to the academy. Obito never caught up with us, so I kept looking around for him. Did he ditch me again to walk with Rin?

"Looking for Obito?" Anko asked.

"Yeah, where is he? I swear if he ditched me for Rin again..." I trailed off. 

"What's the big deal about it?" Anko asked. "We all know he likes her. It's nothing new,"

"Yeah, but I'm tired of him leaving me behind or just ignoring everything I'm talking about every time she's around," I replied. "I swear, it's like I've become invisible to him,"

"Fair enough," Anko replied.

We continued walking to the academy and I looked around in the classroom, not seeing a single sign of Obito.

I looked over to our usual spot, and it was empty.

Where was he?

Anko and Kurenai went to their seats. I looked around one last time before sitting down and then went to my spot.

"Poor Hana," Naomi said as she walked by. "Looks like she's all alone again."

I turned my head to glare at her and then turned back around. I tapped my foot as I watched the entrance like a hawk to see if he'd show up.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now