Chapter 9 *EDITED*

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"I don't think I'm obligated to tell you that," She replies in a sarcastic manner.

"The hell you aren't!"

I pushed my weapon against hers and she jumped back. I still couldn't get a good look at her since the fog was so thick.

"Tell me, Uzumaki, do you think you can dodge this one?" She taunted.

Did she know me? Who the hell is she?

I felt another rush of wind on my face and my bangs got knocked in my face. I knew she was trying to attack me again, so I tried to stop her weapon with my kunai. It was knocked out of my hand and I got kicked to the ground after that.

Where the hell were my teammates? I need backup.

"You better tell me who you are and what you want, bitch," I spat.

"Fiesty," She taunted. "Just what I'd expect from an Uzumaki girl,"

She was treating this like a game and it was starting to piss me off. I tried to get back up and attack, but was pushed back onto the ground. I saw a glimpse of silver coming down, so I decided to try and grab whatever this weapon was.

I wrapped my hands around it and pushed it back toward her.

I must've hit her because a mask fell to the ground next to my head. I quickly looked over at the mask and it looked like it belonged to a Blood Mist ANBU. I looked back over, still holding onto the weapon. I pulled it down so I could get a closer look at her face.

I couldn't make out any distinct facial features since the fog was so thick. I could only see a glimpse of dark hair.

She tried to pull back, but I used my strength to keep hold and pulled her back hard. She lost grip and fell to the ground, so I quickly stood back up, grabbing a kunai out of my pouch again. Since she was closer now, I was able to see her vaguely through the fog. She was using a silver staff with a sharp end as a weapon.

I kicked the staff away, quickly weaving a sign for a water jutsu.

"Water style, water whip!"

A whip of water wrapped around her and just as I was about to weave another sign, her body melted into mud. There was pressure against my throat all of the sudden and I knew she had the staff against my neck.

She stood close behind me.

"Now I can easily snap your neck,"

My body then turned into water and pooled to the ground. I stood behind her with a kunai pointed to her neck.

"Now I can easily stab you," I retorted. "I'm not that stupid,"

"Try again,"

She used her staff to push me away, cutting my arm in the process. I stumbled back and she was now facing me. Our eyes locked again. I had no idea who this girl was, so how the hell did she know who I was?

I pressed my palm against the cut on my arm to try and slow the bleeding down. She came lunging for me and I braced myself for the next attack.

"Sorry, to step in, but you're going to have to go through me to get to her,"

I let out a breath of relief when I recognized Kakashi's voice. He now stood in front of me.

"Kakashi, it's you!" I said with both relief and surprise.

He didn't turn around to face me and she weaved a sign for an earth release, still running toward us.

"Get out of my way! My business has nothing to do with you!" She shouted at him, now expelling bullet-sized rocks out of her mouth at him.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now